Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Seeker
I want to be a seeker God, to realize that everyday one must seek something greater in their lives then the "usual routine." To search not for the physical things or wait for a manifestation to happen, but to become conscious of the treasures in the Spirit realm.
I want to be a seeker God, to stop seeking for the tangible things to make me happy or control my joy, yet to realize that there is a greater joy, a great bliss that is always available for me to acknowledge.
I want to be a seeker God, to seek not just for my own personal goals or strive for my own achievement, but to desire to be selfless and allow my achievement to be everyone else's success. To understand what it really means to awaken Life in others and bring a smile on someones face. That is what I seek to seek.
I want to be a seeker God, to seek the true meaning of who I am; to do greater works and seek to uncover and awaken Christ everyday. To come to full realization of God just as Jesus Christ did.
I want to be a seeker...GOD...
Until then, make it a productive One!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
5 Principles of Life
1. "I am the result"
-Simon Sakpo
2. "Do things with a greater joy"
-Herlay Paul
3. "Spirituality is the air that I breathe"
-Andree D. Dagba
4. "We must build the within and create substance"
-Alain Y. M. Dagba
5. "Life is the creative energy that flows through us and in all things"
-Guerdy Seddoh
Until then, make it a productive One,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Are you ready!?!
A lot of times we may think we're ready for something, just to realize that inside we are shaking in our boots- or stilettos. Part of us may say "yes", while another part says "no". So how can we allow these two separate parts to come an agreement and prepare us for something great?
The question is posed: Are you ready?
Ready to fulfill the task; Ready to say I do; Ready to change and be transformed by the renewal of your mind; Ready to find your purpose in life; Ready to find true happiness; Ready to realize the fullness of God.
Being ready is not an outside work that shows others or convinces yourself that you can achieve certain task. To be ready, for anything in Life is a preparation from within. It is "the source of Wisdom within you, who is your first cause and the underlying principle of all your desires" that tells you if you are ready or not. -Minister Andree Dagba.
Therefore, this inside work requires a lot of self examination in order to will and act on your God-given abilities. As you do this self examinations you are encouraged to judge through the eyes of Love and that is the eyes of Truth that can only lead to safe pastures.
We must not be driven by fear, instead think, speak and only receive that which is Good and what is Good is only from God the supplier of all our resources.
If you believe that you are ready for a given task, then the daily reminder of how to become a better person and value your divine inheritance will help in any situation. Keep in mind that where ever we are at this time is where we've called our self to be.
The flow of life depends on you... the ability to create starts from your thought process and what manifest is a result of what you've been cooking in your mind. However, you should only be ready for success, joy and peace as you were created in the image and likeness of God who is the Universal Mind, the Creator of all things.
What is it that you think you may be ready for? What is it that you know you are ready for? Name it and you will be prepared. "Become the change you want to see".
First thing is to understand that nothing happens by randomly sitting down and waiting for something or someone. As we are literally waiting on God, God is waiting on us, for the bible says, "He has given us all things for life and godliness." Therefore, once we learn that we are fulfilled in Christ, we shall come to an understanding that everything thing we are questioning, looking for, desiring, is inside of us.
Next step is to persevere in all that you desire. Don't just say you are ready, but act on it with consistency & faith. You can only be ready for you and no one else- so don't get discouraged if you are not getting the "support" you may think you need.
Then, be ever present and ready to know that what you believe you are ready for will vibrate for you perfect peace and harmony of God's divine wisdom to lead in every situations.
Finally be willing to say "yes, I am ready"!!
Ready to be transformed from within...Ready to make and stick and fulfill all my goals. Ready to see and accept only the great plans that God has for you. Ready to acknowledge that all things has already been given to me.
Practice makes perfect, so practice on creating only positive energy around you to only be ready for what was meant for you.
Are you ready?
Until then,
Make it a productive One,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Life is faithful
Everyday is a new day, a better day, a day to overcome, a day to realize, a day to be grateful, a day to dream & be refreshed in His presence.
Every second and every minute, every hour and every day, every month and every year and every century is called now in the mind of God and that now is faithful.
Everywhere we turn, look, touch, feel and breathe, is a chance to take hold of the beauty that Life is offering to us.
If you feel like you can't go on just let go and let Life give you strength & wisdom to carry you through, for Life is always faithful.
Everything is going to be okay. Stop the worries and the mental turmoils. Life is faithful.
Just be sure that Life does not pass you by. Now is the time to recognize over and over again that Life is faithful to you and in every step that you take.
Everyday- Everyone- Everywhere- Everything revolves around Life. This is the Life that cannot be created nor destroyed.
The Life that created all things- the Life that promises only Good is the Life that is in you and me.
Until then, make it a productive One,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I understand
I understand that everyday Life awakens new mysteries in our lives.
Today, you are a mystery that waits to be solved...
I understand that there was a time that we held on... Held on to the things that we thought were meaningful; only to have them vanish right before our eyes.
Today, I seek to only grasp what is made from Reality...
I understand that I too have once walked in the valley of the shadow of death...
Today, I gaze upon the hill and see the beauty of the Lord.
I understand that we are children of the most High and in you I see only perfection. If I've seen something else then I've failed to see you through the eye of Love.
Today, I respect you and praise the God life in you.
I understand that parting our separate way is sometimes the best decision for one to make, for in the midst of separation we are in fact unified and strengthened as we mature in all things.
Today, I say welcome Holy Spirit-Lead me in thy Good & pleasing path.
I understand that our life is a journey that must be appreciated and loved- a journey that needs to be deeply rooted in perfect joy and simplicity.
Today, I walk in Divine Productivity.
I understand that one day we shall cross path - meet again. However, may it be in subconscious mind that we solute the divinity in one another.
Today, I rejoice knowing that we are always communioning.
I understand that all my prayers have been answered - it is just a matter of realizing that what I've prayed for was not a request for anything more then to be a servant of Jesus Christ.
Today, I pray not because I am in need of anything, but that all things that are required of me shall come to pass.
I understand that there is and was no fault - there is and was no hurt - for the only "fault" & "hurt" that I experienced was from the "false" self.
Today, I rejoice and see only absolute Good in everyone and in every experience.
I understand that I am healed and always have been - yet have failed to realize it through my divine nature which is Christ in me, the hope of glory.
Today, I walk in perfection - this is the perfect I, the divine Life of God in me.
Today, and forever more, I have decided to dwell in perfect harmony with the Universe.
Until then, make it a productive One,
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Keeping it Simple
Why do we complicate things when simplicity is the key to all things. It is the key that unlocks and nourishes our Soul from the chaos in our surroundings.
However, at times being occupied with eighteen thousand things at once may seem like the wisest thing to do. Whether these occupancies are taking place literally or in our mind it is often bringing us nothing but endless results. And when we attract these results, our mind runs wild as our actions also began to weigh us down while the burden to do more continues to arise bringing nothing but stress.
Instead of realizing these dilemma and seeking to bring a positive, stress free, simple result to it, we bring more guilt upon our selves all for the sake of people pleasing, panic attacks and anxiety. This is so because we have failed to take time to really analyze and filter all the negative thoughts that are keeping us so busy and burned out.
Nevertheless, the thought of keeping it simple is the last thing on our mind. For some, to take it easy means take up the burden and worry more and hopefully God will work it out; and for others it may seem as though one has lost their dignity to do such thing as "keep it simple" for worrying is the new simplicity in their mind. One day at a time is all that we are required to take, for there is so much to appreciate within a minute and "...each day has enough trouble of its own". These troubles however, are the ones we've packed up and gave a room to occupy nothing but more drama in our conscious mind.
Why not find time to stop and take a deep breath and enjoy the presence of God. How simple does that sound, how simple it is. Do it now, even as you are reading this article. Inhale...Exhale. We must try our best to become more conscious of the simple things such as nature, the air that we breathe, ground that we walk on, considering our family and friends, appreciating the beauty of creation, etc.
Become conscious of creating simple avenues for the "complex situations". Don't try to do so much at once. There is always going to be a solution to all that you're inquiring about. So why not reload your mind and find the solution slowly rather then losing hope and getting frustrated with so many things at once.
Remember that it all starts with our mind. And yes it is possible to renew our minds and live a freeing simple life no matter how the work load may seem. You've placed that work load there then you can gradually find peace and reassurance in every compartment. The chose is yours.
By keeping it simple we are learning to take things one step at a time and training our mind to perceive in God's way which is the right way. If for example, you have a lot to read or a lot that you'd like to read, whether its for your own leisure time, school, work or spiritual growth. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, why not first find what is it that your soul is longing for. Whatever that may be it will then direct you to the right path because the Spirit of God is always speaking and teaching us, yet how often are we attentive to the voice of Spirit? Remember that divine substance holds us and by having that substance which comes from God, we will be lead in perfect peace and order in what to do and thus keep things simple.
Another example we can examine is a stressful parent concerned about his child's academic success. They start worrying as typical parents often do and only can see bad results for the collective consciousness of peer pressure has overtaken him. Now continuing in that state of mind we know where it will end. Therefore, why not chose to realign those thoughts in Divine Mind- the mind that only perceives perfect order. No matter how powerful you may feel that trouble and negative thoughts are the way for your child's future; think again and let the mind of Christ that is in you be reconnected to see the promises of God.
Allow your worries to be transformed into joyful answered prayers. Let those thoughts become thoughts of encouragement and know that we can only triumph once we've overcome the world consciousness of fault, guilt and judgment which we have in Christ. Be also open to have a teachable heart to let the intuitive lead of the Spirit of God guide you and your child.
You are God's achievement- simple yet perfect in the eyes of God and that is how to simplify everything that comes your way.
Let us keep in mind that it is not our place to panic, but to be free and keep it simple. For panicking comes from a busy mind that only brings chaos.
The key is yours. The key is simplicity and simplicity has a place for you to take control consciously and keep things simple.
Until then, make it a productive "simple" One,
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Seek to bless
how many have you counted today?
When we think or say the word 'Bless' what comes to mind? Good thoughts I bet. And if it is so then how often do we use it to encourage others? Sometimes or most of the times or rarely? Then again, is it really our desire to bless or to be bless by others? Whatever the answer may be the main focus is to first get an understanding of the word itself.
To bless means to "invoke good upon; to call forth the action of God; to confer God's good on something or someone" -Charles Filmore
This definition sounds great, now let us see how we can seek to take it further by putting it into practice?
How can one bring into existence good upon others?
It all depends what good we are talking about, for Jesus' primary focus was to give, and He only brought nothing but good upon others. This however, was not just any 'good' where some know good and there has to be a little 'bad' mixed into it. For the human eyes can not be justified with only good, but must always want to see a flaw in things. Therefore, the good that I am talking about starts with a capital 'G'. It is the Good that only sees Love in all things. The Good that only awakens and perfects all things. It is the Good that comes from God.
Hence, by seeking to bless we are invoking Good. This can only start however, from our train of thoughts. And if we train it to only seek through the eyes of God then we will only see Good, for in God there is no lie. And this Good only leads us to Truth and that Truth can only be Good. So you can only bring blessings into existence by putting divine energy in your thoughts and consciously or literally speak words of Love, hope, wisdom.
When we have good thoughts, we produce good things, that brings us joy.
However, we tend to complicate things in our lives by believing that it is impossible to only think, see, feel and speak good. Keep in mind that God is good. God is Love. God is in all things. God is in you. This is the Good that comes from the Divine Consciousness. It is the Good/God that perfects all things by seeing it in its true nature.
It may be a challenge at first to renew our minds with Divine Mind and see all things as Good, yet once we persevere and seek nothing else but God we will be lead to understand our blessing come from God alone.
Therefore, if you would like to start being a blessing to your loved ones, co-workers, friends, even people you may not personally know; start by seeking to only see and want to know the Good in them. If you see bad or something that is contrary from the Spirit of God then you've failed to perceive them through the eyes of God/Love.
By doing this we are calling forth the action of God. The action of God is the Christ within each man, the will of God in action. Therefore, speak forth the Life that is within you. Allow the words that you speak out be the blessings of prosperity, health, divine Self and Happiness.
Remember that counting your blessings doesn't have to be the ones you've received, but the ones that is waiting for you to give. How many have you given today from the sincerity of your heart? Ask yourself, who or how can I invoke Good upon today? No matter what circumstances they are in, the word of God in you does not come back void? Whether you bless someone consciously or out loud, yet with a devoted heart to give your blessings, be willing to seek to be a blessing. For the power of blessing is in your hand. Let the consciousness of blessing others be a constant reminder of giving to the world.
Until then, make it a productive One,
With Love,
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Seeking thy true Self
As we continue our search on the importance of what we are "seeking" right here and right now, we've come to analyze that a true seeker must first know his true "Self" identity. This is essential for once you've found and start walking in your divine identity, you will no longer look at things from a pointless view.
Therefore, "start today by first desiring to seek the real You-thy true Self". The real You never skips a beat of walking in Divine Productivity. The path that completes all other paths.
This is the path of seeking from above. This search from above is not in the clouds as some may call it heaven. Charles Filmore puts it as a work from within our conscious mind that connects us to Divine Mind. This work is an action. Our action as children of God is to consciously reconnect with our original nature from our subconscious mind and this is not a difficult task. For the word of God states "we have the mind mind of Christ" therefore we are not given to much that we can not bare. So, I invite you to re-align your thoughts with the thoughts of God which are pure, whole, full of power and eternal. And let your divine Self-thy true Self seek great things.
Let the mind which is in you "seek spirituality, instead of materiality. Seek to unfold the Christ Mind and to abide in spiritual consciousness. This leads into the path of peace, joy, and abundance of all good" -Charles Filmore
So as you learn to replenish the real You- Christ the seed of Life who resides from within, learn to also love the real You who is waiting for your acknowledgment. Thy true Self seeks nothing more important then to realize God.
So allow that to be the inner work of your conscious mind. Remember that all things that come from above is from within. And everything from within first originated from God who is Divine Mind and that is pure Consciousness. And all things that are pure Consciousness is Divine!
Today, what is it that you are really seeking for? If you are not sure, what would you desire to seek?
Today, don't stop seeking for spiritual growth which first comes from unfolding the Christ Mind. As you go through this experience you will find yourself always learning and growing in the house of the Lord. If you think or feel that you are all set and you've reached your "spiritual growth", think again and take another peek within/above. Another peak to awaken a new You, a happier You, a productive You.
Today, allow Infinite Spirit to guide your steps into an everlasting path of true bliss.
Until then make it a productive One,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
What are you seeking for?
" and ye shall find..." -Matthew 7:7
However the question is what are you seeking for & what would you like to find?
Life is a realm of infinite possibilities. And if we dare to come to a realm that limits us then that means we have stop searching. Searching for greater meaning of our existence and the accessibility to new dimensions in our journey on earth.
These dimensions are the different stages that we go through in order to awaken the wisdom from within. Therefore, as we seek for something it is because there is a desire within us that wants to gain more understanding of that particular interest. We must seek to view things beyond our human eyes. We must seek to open doors to abundant opportunities. We must seek to prosper. The more we are interested the more we seek; the more we seek the more we unfold new understanding. The more understanding unfolds the more we find endless happiness that satisfies our soul. As this search continues greater things are revealed that allows us to view life from a different prespective.
Although certain matters may have end results, such as our jobs, homes/properties, cars, education and everything of its nature, yet the things of God will lead us to endless possibilities.
Whether we realize it or not we are all seeking for something. The question is what are you seeking for? The answer you have in your heart doesn't have to please anyone, yet it depends on you to help you realize how to utilize the energy in your search.
Therefore, don't be a useless seeker searching for pleasures that brings unsuccessful results. Or don't seek to just know the surface of things, yet desire true substance that takes you deeper and awakens greater truth in you. Step out today and go the extra mile and seek to create everlasting goals everyday that will bring change in your midst and future plans. Step out into endless opportunities that will not rob you of your peace, nor bring the burdens of disharmanol thoughts.
Instead, seek another avenue. It can happen once you start to discover your true Self that was created in the image and likeness of God. You see if you are not aware of your divine Self then you may dwell in the borderline of difficulties in your path. For to seek for something besides our true Self leads us in ever-ending silent turmoil.
If we don't know who we are then life will have no true meaning and will cause us to look for foolish things. So start today by first desiring to search for the true You. The You in divine Mind. The You that is worth seeking for. The You that is full of answers. The You that seeks for a deeper understanding of the things of life.
By discovering and awakening your divine identity, your true Self will start to project and understand the importance of seeking a more meaningful productive search.
Until then make it a productive One,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The purpose of life...again
Ever so often a wake up call is needed. A call to remind us to laugh out loud; replenish our hearts and forgive one another; show gratitude for the simpliest things, or appreciate the things and people in our life more. Even a simple push to keep it moving can be an encouragement in accomplishing our life purpose. It is for great services that we are here to make this world a better what is the purpose of life...again?
As newborn babies they enter this world as innocent & pure beings that desire nothing more then to be nurtured and loved. However, as they start to mature, make decisions and pursue their dreams the purpose for their existence start to show in their character and skills.
But somehow along the way we either start to loose interest of seeking our sole purpose for living. And the thought of seeking the Kingdom within that leads us to our divine purpose can feel like a drag. We either become too tired of searching and unraveling the reason we were born and sent here on earth and get distracted with the material things that seem more intriguing. It's not to say that these worldly interests are necessarily “bad” as some may think, for they are the expression from man’s ideas which originally came from Divine Mind.
What we must do is reconnect with God by continously seeking and asking questions. From this method we learn of our divine inheritance which gives us insight as to who we are and what we are here to do. Through this search we open our awareness and perform things out of good intentions in being productive. This is our God-given purpose to acheive unexpressible joy of sharing the glory of God's nature.
Therefore, as we become serious seekers we will never get bored or distracted in reaching our divine destiny, yet we should look forward in becoming a vessel of honor for the Master's use. The ability to become God's vessels make us feel that it is indeed the Father working in us.
We must start to desire true success which comes from the eternal substance of God and leaves a legacy in the hearts of many. Why not know the very sole intension of your existence instead of doing things because of the pressures of society? What is the purpose of Life...again? It is to realize God which comes by awakening our divine identity which is Christ.
To understand Life we must understand God and to understand God we must understand each other.
So if you get stuck somewhere in fulfilling your dreams and start to question what your purpose in life is...again, don’t hesitate to ask, seek and find the answer from "within". For it is writen that "the world and its desires will pass away, but the man that does God's will remains forever" 1 John 2:17
As you are in perfect harmony with the will of God which is Christ, you will create divine substance in acheiving a purposeful Life.
Until then, make it a productive One,
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Master in disguise Part 1
There is a voice that speaks to us. Although we may rarely take note of where its true nature comes from, we are always obedient in responding to its everyday commands. This voice is full of enticing words. Words that have originated from a mind that was founded from a certain belief. These beliefs giving order from its ideas while projecting them into a thought pattern in the mind of humanity.
These thought patterns can be understood as the “the voice” that gives us information. This voice that can be known as our daily guide; a constant instructor showing us what to do and what not to do. It is the voice that often times make one feel inferior as if only its opinion matters and one is trapped to think positively. Enclosed in this voice are the constant sounds of darkness which is error, greed, disappointments, failures, ups and downs and self glory.
In the midst of all the commotion from “the voice” we have come to realize that it is none other than the voice of the false ego , macerating itself as a master but in disguise. It is a master because we have learned to adhere to its commands and fail to discover the true voice. We have become hopeless (hopeless: because our trust in man) beings, but faithful servants (faithful because the subconscious mind has faithfully acted out on certain beliefs we have given to it.
The ego has become a personality in man that is known as the false identity/ego based on man's false wisdom; a wisdom that is based on only light from the intellectual mind. This destruction came from the fall, when man seek to find (something) that was beyond God. For we know that if we try to look beyond the Truth, we will only create for ourselves something that is not there. In doing so we will create for ourselves a false identity that came from lack of understanding of the Truth. You see every time we hear a voice that is contrary to God, we unconsciously start to obey. It has ruled us for so long that it became our neutral state of mind. If it says something nice today, we react with joy, if it directs us with information that is not positive our vibe switches and we become moody or upset.
The only power that the false voice thinks that he has is in his own limited mind. The mind that is not based on Truth will only communicate illusion which is a false understanding of what may appear in one’s mind. Therefore, it is up to us to become conscious of who we truly are by comprehending and apprehending our (divine identity) in Christ and seek to only hear the voice of Truth. With that in mind we must also pay attention to what and how we use our energy.
The power is in your hand that we may govern the world, so do not be lead by the false master and know that in Christ we triumph. We must learn instead to regenerate the flow of Life that comes out of us by being quick to think (filter every thought/idea that is not registering with our spirit) and slow to speak (for there is power in the words that come out of our mouth so be wise in what we say).
The emotions we carry come from God, who is Source of energy. Keep in mind that we were "enemies of God in our minds" for it is the mind that was corrupted with sin. It is only in the mind that the false self has power to trigger our thoughts. However, through Christ Jesus, we have been renewed in our mind and must no longer be conformed with the voice of the false ego. The Christ within us which is the divine ego; the Word of God is our guide, yet if we continually seek to obey to the voice of the false master in disguise we'll activate the wrong attitude, the wrong mindset.
Therefore, we must seek to realign our mind with the Mind of God. Th idea of realigning our mind with God should not be a difficult task, for the bible says that we have the "we have the mind of God", it just requires our dedication and desire to express who we truly are. Realignment is putting back into proper order, bring into harmony that which was originally of your nature. Once we seek to know nothing else but the Truth, we will manifest and become nothing else but the Truth.
For example: You can affirm, yet without practice, you will just become a tape recorder. Instead when a thought comes to mind (when the voice speaks) and says “you are a failure, and you’ll never succeed” or “look at you, you are a shame to this family”, don’t ignore it by affirming you are Christ, Christ already knows who He is; the question is do you? The false ego seeks to attack mostly those that are not aware of their divine nature. What we must do is get to the roots of our negative thoughts and ask questions, digging deeper and revealing the dirt that had disguised itself as "truth".
Therefore, let your beauty shine through the ideas that you are hearing from the true voice within. You are pure joy, pure beauty, let your uniqueness shine. You are a powerful being, allow your divine inheritance to activate in you your god given authority. You are the channel which expresses the desires of God ideas. He desires to unfold you and you agree that day by day the very essence of His nature will be made known. So don't let the false voice allow you not to hear these encouragements.
Therefore, don’t delay, there is not a day that you will not hear the voice of God speaking to you, letting you know how much He loves you. The choice is yours to tune into the right channel.
Until then, Make it a productive One,
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The soul cries out
The soul cries out; She wants to be heard, for she longs to find a home that can be her place of refuge; a place of acceptance and of happiness.
The soul cries out; She is tired; tired of waiting & wasting useless energy, tired of wanting-the things of the physical realm and being lead by the routines of life.
The soul cries out; She feels so useless; As if she can’t go on and is incomplete.
The soul is a place of emotions, it is the life center of man-the subconscious mind: she continues to cry out; This time even louder then before, who will come to her rescue? Who will understand her and mend her so called broken heart?
After years of crying out, months of searching for something called hope and countless days of analyzing where these emotions are taking her she stops to ponder...
Through this thought process, the tears starts to dry as she realizes... She becomes conscious of every feeling; and why these emotion/feeling are driving her wild; it is her true Self that is created in God's substance that is desiring to come out and create in her an everlasting joy. This divine Self is Christ within that is not lead by random emotions of any kind. The Life substance helps her to embrace every disturbance by filtering each feeling through God's light/understanding and in return receive glorious end results.
The soul now walks in the path of Light as she finds rest in God alone; "find rest oh my soul in God alone". She no longer lets the beliefs of the false ego control her and carry out sorrows, pain and their company. The soul aligns her mind to the Mind of God and sees an abundance of possibilities. Her vision is no longer blurry, but clear as ever before.
The soul now rejoices; from her discoveries. She is now rejuvenated and inspired to rely not only on her emotions, but the complete Wisdom of God which gives understanding to her feelings. And through Wisdom will the cries become a joyful cry of triumph as she now expresses Life and nothing less.
Until then make it a productive One,
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Uniqueness of your Script
There are many roles that we portray in our lifetime. However, inside each one of them lies an important script. A script that is unique and written on the tablet of our hearts. It is the script that will awaken within you great abilities and bring out power to make a difference in the lives of others.
However, this can only happen from our awareness of the script and by tapping into it. As you do so, you will find that inside each written script there is a story that brings out the distinct purpose which you were call to perform; whether it is on a production stage or the stage of your life.
Nevertheless this stage of life is the ground that we walk on everyday; for life is like a theater. Instead of knowing and acting out our true script, we usually fall in the hand of other ones that does not produce the successful show we were called to display. This means that we must desire to realign our original script which has a unique purpose. Therefore, why not seek to decide to play the part that was originally given to you? The part that suits you well?
In any event it won't be just any script, but defined as a divine seed, which was implanted in the subconscious mind/heart of each man. This divine seed is full of (information) which is called divine ideas that is ready to energize Life in each living being. Just as a script is full of of detailed information waiting to be shared with many, the divine script in you has a story to share as well.
This (script) divine seed displays your uniqueness, the manifestation of God's beauty. Although we all originated from the same Source of Life that is Divine Consciousness, yet there is a way that each individual demonstrate their gifts and talents; we each have an extraordinary way of speaking and projecting ourselves that allows many to see the glory of God's creative power.
Therefore, your rareness is a precious gift from God that must be treasured. In discovering the uniqueness of your script, you will come to realize the importance of each living being and thing that surrounds you. This script is here to tell you that you play an important role in this Universe. It is in your divine self that one will find hope, strength and encouragement to complete together the task of making this world a better place to live in.
A place of unity and love. A place were we can bring all differences into a common ground. A place that is available for everyone, yes everyone to awaken within them something precious and worthy of sharing. And through this understanding we can all flow in the perfect flow of Life that was given to us. This perfect flow of Life is our ability and understanding of becoming one with our divine script (seed) and let the Life of God activate the uniquess of our script.
Here's to a productive you!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Through the journey
It is always our prime focus to complete specific task in our surroundings. For during these tasks we desire to see an end results from our labor; for where there is a beginning there must be an end. However, through the end we must enjoy the glorious process of the journey.
Yet, how many times have we truly stopped to ponder and appreciate the details, the people and the things in our lives? At times we can be so quick to finish things, yet not quite learn to value, and love the journey of life.
The journey is the process to the destination. However, this process is the learning and the growth point in our path of Life. While experiencing growth from this journey, we come to understand that these situations are lessons to allow us find spiritual development. Therefore, working on a goal and aiming to see the end result is not the problem, however, we must seek to enjoy what God is teaching us through that time. The journey is full of challenges, yet we will find divine insight, joy, laughter, and endless possibilities.
Once again, the journey of our life must not be rushed, rather to cherish and love every moment of it. Just as much as a child desires to grow up fast, he or she must go through their mental and physical developing stages. And through these stages we find that the parents enjoy watching and building proud memories of their loved one.
In the same manner our heavenly Father does not require of us to quickly gain head knowledge in our relationship with him, instead to embrace our personal relationship “through the journey”. In the same manner, Jesus Christ did not just automatically go to the cross. Although the cross was his destination, there had to be a process that took place, if not then the destination would be in vain. But through His journey we find healing, Wisdom, Life, Love and much more.
There will be many circumstances that we will face and must learn from. However, if the time is not taken to appreciate each journey of these events then the meaning of our destination will be missed. So why not take time to enjoy the journey. Why not take time to acknowledge the presence of God in everything?
Whatever your goal may be, seek to know that each result will finish strongly once you stop to enjoy the journey.
Until then, make it a productive One,
Friday, March 6, 2009
The story of your Life
We all have a story to tell. It is our life story which has been engraved in our heart to share with many. This tale has great insights that will encourage and give hope to those who hear, so why not share and believe that many will benefit from the story of your Life.
However, this is not just the life that we deal with from our daily personal activities, yet it is Life from Divine Consciousness which is the wisdom and energy of God. It is the Life that causes us to abide in the presence of God and comprehend our true essence; it is the Life that was given to you and me. This Life which exists in all creation gives each unique individual a chance to express their divinity.
However, many may have a difficult time sharing their life experiences because “their life” may be too personal or “embarrassing” for people to hear; while others can become idle in “their own little world”. If so, don't let that be the case, be willing to believe that every word that you share may be a learning experience for the one that will hear and receive this information- the story of your Life.
Our definition of life should not be from the collective consciousness which can cause many to see it as their own, and create walls and make regulations for themselves and family members. However, know that Divine Life is not about claiming anything as ours, for the bible says that “naked we came from our mother’s womb and naked we shall depart for it is the Lord that gives and takes away”. We can also take Jesus Christ whose example was not about secrecy or of vanities. He acknowledge that the Life of Christ was for all to know and become available for the Universal mind. Therefore, behold this Life that is in each man and seek to share those Life experiences.
By sharing we are giving a part of us that brings inspiration, boost our creative abilities, and most importantly awaken the Christ within others. Thus, this part of us is essential to give so that we may continuously learn from the people in our lives and vice versa.
We must be mindful that we can not give what you don’t have. Therefore, don’t ever doubt that you have nothing to share or feel that your Life story is less important. In fact your uniqueness brings Light to many. So share the story of your Life and be willing to hear someone else’s tale as well for this is an exchange of Divine Wisdom.
Until then, make it a productive One,
Saturday, February 28, 2009
There may be several breakthroughs that occur in our life time. However, there is a breakthrough that each person should realize from within. It is a spiritual breakthrough that continuously uncovers all layers of doubt, disorder, sickness & the likes.
It is the breakthrough that teaches us to bind and destroy every deceptive thought and illusions that we may face in our world and through this we find peace from within.
It is a breakthrough that will continue to tear down every wall in your life until you realize that there is no separation. It is the breakthrough that reveals true freedom from the unnecessary events in our pathway. It is the breakthrough that allows us to go deeper into the rabbit hole and search for endless revelation of God’s infinite wisdom and power. It is the breakthrough that causes us to create abundance; demonstrate the power of God and celebrate Life and Love.
This breakthrough is happening in your life right now.
This breakthrough is teaching & helping you to become stronger & wiser then ever.
This breakthrough wants you to become a spiritual master- the great ambassador.
This breakthrough is like none other, for it will cause you to relocate your innocence and become a magnet of Love for many.
This breakthrough is the Divine Life infusing in every cell of your body telling you that you have overcome the world/darkness.
All you must do is be open to hear the voice within which is the voice of Truth.
All you must do is become obedient to discern the direction from this voice.
All you must do is relocate that perfect Self which is Christ.
All you must do is be still and know that you are always in the presence of God.
All you must do is to acknowledge that you are here to awaken Life in others.
All you must do is enjoy the ride of your divine path and let go of all tensions. All you must to is surrender.
Now you are experiencing your breakthrough.
Now you’ve triumphed in Christ.
Now you walk in the perfect desire that God has for you.
Now you realize God, for in every breakthrough there is an awareness that manifests the glory of God.
Now you’ve regain Life
Until then, make it a productive One,
Thursday, February 26, 2009
It's time to create
We are creative beings who are constantly creating something new in our lives. As a decision is made it comes from an idea that is put into action and this action thus creates. Therefore, whether we realize it or not we are creative beings who are always creating. Whether it is opportunities in cultivating better relationships; spiritual growth in our walk of Life etc., yet the journey in these can only prosper depending on how we have been creating.
We can say that we want to become successful in a particular path, but our thoughts and actions produce the opposite of what God truly wants for us. That is why it is vitally important to create with divine purpose. These intentions are from Divine Mind which doesn't create from intellectual knowledge, but from Divine Wisdom. That is why the key idea is to acknowledge, understand and practice what it means to co-create with God.
By co-creating we recognize God as the “underlying cause of all things” and understand that in order to produce we must adhere to Divine Mind. This Divine Mind is the Infinite wisdom of God, for the book of John says that “all things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made”. Everything creation was "made" from light and life and this is Divine Consciousness that is in the midst of our surroundings. So how else would one want to prosper in their affairs if it is not from the Creator of all living things, which is full of divine substance?
This divine substance is based on Truth which God desire us to create from and not from our own vain imaginations. Hence, as creative beings we want to facilitate matters of eternal value. As creative beings we also want to let the mind that is in Christ be also in us. This Mind is continuously awakening in all greater Truths. As you co-create with Divine Mind you bring about great life changing ideas that fulfill the requests of many others rather then our own selfish motives. If we don’t generate from Divine Mind then our outcomes will have no eternal substance. Therefore that is the power we have when we understand how to express our creativity from the source of Life.
So in all this saying, why and how can one express the uniqueness in their creativity? First, we must understand that ‘create’ is to make happen; it is causing things to exist. These things come from our ideas, thoughts, words which are first created in the invisible plane, the spirit realm; and then it manifest in the physical realm as it is put into action. Thus the importance of being creative being is that we build a foundation that is of divine productivity.
Secondly, we can create great avenues in our life once we know our divine identity. This identity helps us to understand the authority that was given to all man to rule over the earth. Through divine identity we know that the highest level of intelligence was given to all man to claim their rightful place in the kingdom of God and govern the earth. Nonetheless, walking in our divine identity helps us to continually know that we are co-creators.
Thirdly, we take our rightful place and use our imaging faculty to produce Life in each circumstance in our journey of God realization, for that is the main reason we were sent on earth: to realize God; to fulfill what was written in spirit and truth about us. Through this realization we are no longer letting the adverse thoughts get in our way or blindly saying “Gods will”, and wait on Him. We are the will of God in action.
In conclusion, let us be aware that there is a creative force in man which is the Spirit of God that is teaching us to not settle for less and to use the creative ability within us.
You are hear to produce the divine ideas that were planed to take action from the Mind of God. Now is your turn to create by speaking with power and authority the plans for your life journey. Remember that the mind is always thinking, let it be of good things that originated from Divine Mind. Keep those divine thoughts vibrating by your devotion and understanding to co-create the wonder of Gods work.
Until then, make it a productive One,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
There is only LIFE
where there seems to be no room left for peace,
-There is LIFE
When the diagnoses of the negative collective consciousness
seek to attract us more and more & we lose hope of the healing power,
-There is LIFE
When the choices we make seem to have no meaning, and the outcome of them only seems to bring sickness, sadness & death,
-There is LIFE
This is LIFE...
Pure Consciousness
A LIFE that is full of WISDOM & is ETERNAL
LIFE that is the Source of all things
LIFE that is in each living Being
There is only LIFE...
We seek to only see LIFE
We only awaken LIFE
We only give LIFE
We only Love LIFE
We only know LIFE
There is only LIFE
In conclusion: YOU are the expression of DIVINE LIFE
Until then, make it a Productive ONE,
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The 5 Principles of Joy
We can do many researches and be taught so much about joy, but not really grasp the true essence of this powerful topic. However, it is best to have some simple principles to help us exercise our joy, knowing that it is first in inner expression of an outer demonstration. The major thing to keep in mind is that every thought turns into a pattern and that pattern produces an end result. Therefore, if you are believing God to put some joy in your life, remember it is not his job, for “He has already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.”
Remember what ever you desire to achieve in life is up to you to make it happen.
However, as we go about this route we must do it with a joyful spirit.
Remember practice makes perfect!
- When we observe things we learn from it, therefore, learn to observe what you are thinking about and how you react towards events.
- As you do these self observations be free from any judgment. You want to detect which thought pattern is not producing joy.
- Don’t be hard on yourself if you are not experiencing happiness in situations that may arise. The key is to become aware of your surroundings and make the best out of it.
- Whether it’s a simple song, a “hello” or “good bye”, express it with love as the joy in your heart uplifts those around you.
- Learn to express gratitude in all the areas of your life, the many changes in your life and the challenging time of your life.
- See yourself laughing more often, even when “the going gets tough” know that the tough still gets going.
- Be happy for other people’s success because you also share in their achievement.
- You are a joy-giver, so give joy and learn to receive it like there is no tomorrow.
- Rejoice through the thunder storms, the blizzards & the sunshines in our lives- "Rejoice in the Lord always!"
4. You are that inspiration
- You are that vessel of inspiration- "I am an inspiration to many", keep that in mind.
- Through this consciousness, let your happiness be imprinted in the hearts of many.
- Remember you always have something great to say and give & many are counting on you.
- Understand that God desires to bring out the joy in you.
- Experiencing joy comes from a heart that desires to acquire enlightenment of Gods Love.
- You are full of divine substance and must carry it out with conviction and produce immediate results.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The opportunities of Joy
It doesn’t have to be your lucky day to feel that a great opportunity will come your way. In fact, even at this moment one is waiting for you to realize, whether it's literally knocking at the door to your house or the door to your heart. The opportunities of Joy tells us that every day is a glorious one and every situation has great lessons we can learn from.
However, we must first understand that opportunities are divine ideas that we should be mindful of. An idea does not just pop up for no other reason but to tell us something. Yet, we must get a hold of it and discover the root of its plans. These ideas are divine because as you walk in Joy, you will only experience divine intentions which are like endless possibilities that constantly occurring in our path. So, by learning to be in tuned with the Universal Mind and connect to the essence of Life around us, we will always attract opportunities of Joy.
For instance, you've been dreaming of playing a lead role in a movie; then out of the blue you are ask to volunteer your time in a facility that has nothing to do with your movie path. In the mean time the Director of that movie owns that organization where you are ask to help out, but you passed the chance of helping out. There may have been opportunities of good events that were waiting behind this event. Meanwhile, you're waiting for that important phone call, just to realize you've missed another chance of expressing your talents and gifts in something else.
The point is for us not to take for granted the people and events in our lives. No matter how much you may desire something, it is always best to sacrifice and seek to meet others need before your own. As you grow in the awareness of "how can I give & love, and serve" you will experience great opportunities that can benefit many around.
For this reason, we must not ignore or put aside random thoughts that come our way, for they may be a glorious idea that is looking to express in a glorious way. Sometimes there are risk that must be taken so that we can discover and unfold the treasures of life. Therefore, it is best not to be attached to our daily routines which may cause a hindrance in our decision making.
Like in most fairy tales, especially ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and ‘Snow White’, the princess must be awakened by true loves first kiss. If she does not receive that “special” kiss then she will sleep forever. Likewise, our subconscious mind is the princess that desires to be reconnected with her prince, the male principle. However, misses this opportunity to reconnect with her true Love, then she will continue to sleep. Thus in our case we would be spiritually sleeping and missing joyful events. And this sleep is because of the door that was never answered to welcome the joyful opportunities.
So, don’t fall asleep on the opportunities that may be passing you by. It may be an answered prayer, a decision that needs to be made, an important project etc. The goal is to become aware and attentive to the movement of life around us. Ask yourself, what is it that life is offering? Out of the millions of great options, am I just seeing a few of them?
Now is the time to seek in order that you may find great opportunities in all that you are affiliated with. Don't look for the negative things which only brings your hope down, but get divine substance that will shower you with joy unspeakable.
Now is the time to re look at any situation that you may have doubted, questioned or lost enthusiasm in doing. Remember that whatever may come your way is a great opportunity for you to explore.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Joy unspeakable!
We want joy in our life because it is in expression of happiness. We want joy in our lives because it attracts others. However, how can we be joyful when there is so much to worry about? How can we keep the joy and express it instead of experiencing a joy that has limits? Or, how can we make a decision to be joyful and stay joyful no matter how ugly the storms may seem in our life and so on?
The only way to answer these questions is by truly defining what true joy really means. Just the word itself automatically makes you think of something good or gives you a great sense of feeling. Therefore, if that is the case then why can’t we be joyful more often? If you are a joyful person, great, keep the joy flowing. But, if you often lose your joy even for a split second, it is time to ask what it is that we can do to only express unspeakable joy?
Joy is power, for it is a gift from God. It is the overflow of the divine life in us. This overflow of divine life is an energy, which comes from good thoughts that produce good things, which give you, joy. Furthermore, our emotions are real and they are from God and all that is from God is Good. Thus our emotions can either make us or break us for it is full of energy/life. So if our way of thinking towards a situation is not positive in other words has no divine insight, then we will not have a happy outcome and cannot fully express joy. For joy can only be experience by learning to perceive the real meaning of the dilemma that you are facing.
For example, if you are being turned down on every job application you’ve submitted and every job interview doesn't seem hopeful, do not let this bring discouragement, but rather learn to see the positive side to it. The good side is that the perfect employment is waiting for you. Yet, our intellectual mind can quickly give us a thought that seems so “right” that makes us have all the great reasons to feel distress. Such as, ‘I’m a failure and will never get this job’ or ‘I knew he/she wasn’t going to hire me by the look on their face’… Yet if this happens, as Minister AndrĂ©e D. Dagba would say, “embrace that feeling” and let your light shine.
For after the stormy rain the sun must shine. By making a decision to see this situation in a positive way, you will find joy in return, for unspeakable joy will speak out for you. The important thing to ask is, ‘what is our frustration going to solve’? So remember to recognize your hard work and deep within trust and know that God fulfills all of our every need, which is really a desire because as our Shepard we shall not be in want.
The truth is we desire and deserve happiness. We also desire and deserve to understand and walk in true happiness. Yet, if finding joy or keeping it seems impossible then it is because we are stopping our own blessings from happening. The more we observe our situations in a false insight, with no hope or substance, the less joy we have.
Today, look deep within, where all your answers reside. It is not the outcome of your success or people in your life that can put a smile on your face and make you feel great. Better yet it is the your inner quality of knowing that all that you are and all that you came to bring on this planet earth is from divine essence, which is Good. And that is your joy.
Until then, make it a productive One,
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year's Revolution
The word revolution comes from the Latin revolutio, which means "a turn around". It is defined as a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.
Although there are different types of revolutions such as political, economical, technical etc, however this is a personal spiritual revolution in our walk of Life. In this 'turn around' for divine insight for a great year, we desire to cultivate positive thoughts and energy that will bring us eternal happiness; and it shouldn't take long. Therefore, as we are always looking for great avenues and adventure, why not create this opportunity to achieve great wealth of divine abundance of joy, peace, health and prosperity for our New Year’s Revolution.
Furthermore, we can find much power when we fix all of our energy focused on a particular idea. Imagine having an individual or even an audience attention set on a specific plan; how glorious would that be when everyone decides to send good thoughts and energy towards that target and come out with success...
Keep in mind of the dominion we've inherited from our divine nature and take our rightful place by only perceiving the best for this year and the many ahead. It is a matter of starting fresh, staying fresh and finishing fresh. A fresh start is a clean one that is free from all impurities and flaws. Therefore, by allowing each fresh idea that comes to our way to only bring good manifestation in our lives. It’s about knowing and trusting that you are here to bring out the best, just as Jesus Christ only desired to see Good in Mankind.
Thus by understanding that this 'turn around' is an awakening of all the great plans that is waiting for us to stir up within our spirit to give us tangible results. So go ahead and make that revolution of the perfect vision, perfect health, perfect marriage, perfect relationships, perfect business, perfect divine nature happen right now. Revolutionize those goals that are just sitting around waiting for you to transport some life into them... Revolutionize the world from the Infinite wisdom that God has given you in desiring to make this world a better place.
This can be done by aligning our thoughts which are the ideas that pop up so often & putting them into action with good intentions. In conclusion our equation looks a little someting like this: Divine ideas (wisdom/light/conscious mind) + Divine energy (emotions/life/subconscious mind) + a dash of Good intentions (Love) = a Successful New Year!
By taking these steps you'll sure find all that you’ve desired whether for you or others will come into completion for the glory of God.
Until then, make it a productive One,