Sunday, March 15, 2009

Through the journey

It is always our prime focus to complete specific task in our surroundings. For during these tasks we desire to see an end results from our labor; for where there is a beginning there must be an end. However, through the end we must enjoy the glorious process of the journey.

Yet, how many times have we truly stopped to ponder and appreciate the details, the people and the things in our lives? At times we can be so quick to finish things, yet not quite learn to value, and love the journey of life.

The journey is the process to the destination. However, this process is the learning and the growth point in our path of Life. While experiencing growth from this journey, we come to understand that these situations are lessons to allow us find spiritual development. Therefore, working on a goal and aiming to see the end result is not the problem, however, we must seek to enjoy what God is teaching us through that time. The journey is full of challenges, yet we will find divine insight, joy, laughter, and endless possibilities.

Once again, the journey of our life must not be rushed, rather to cherish and love every moment of it. Just as much as a child desires to grow up fast, he or she must go through their mental and physical developing stages. And through these stages we find that the parents enjoy watching and building proud memories of their loved one.

In the same manner our heavenly Father does not require of us to quickly gain head knowledge in our relationship with him, instead to embrace our personal relationship “through the journey”. In the same manner, Jesus Christ did not just automatically go to the cross. Although the cross was his destination, there had to be a process that took place, if not then the destination would be in vain. But through His journey we find healing, Wisdom, Life, Love and much more.

There will be many circumstances that we will face and must learn from. However, if the time is not taken to appreciate each journey of these events then the meaning of our destination will be missed. So why not take time to enjoy the journey. Why not take time to acknowledge the presence of God in everything?

Whatever your goal may be, seek to know that each result will finish strongly once you stop to enjoy the journey.

Until then, make it a productive One,

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