Friday, December 26, 2008

Though you love, you detach

Many times we may "say" we love or show an "act" of love, which is a personal/soul tie(s) that usually brings an attachment to our "love". For this reason, once we hear the word 'love' we automatically think of good feelings, emotions, actions, people coming together and so on. So how could we possible think of or even say to love, we must detach?

Well the question we must ponder on is: What is Love? What does it mean to Love? Once we define these answers we will be able to understand what it means to 'detach'.

Though you love, you detach...
It’s like watching a relative battle with a drug addiction, you have tried to encourage with words of hope; you may have reacted positively or in a not so positively way by doing all that you can; sooner or later realizing that you must remove yourself from their presence so that they can learn from this experience. Thus detaching and trusting that Infinite Spirit will perfect all that concerns them.

Though you love, you detach...
It's like going through a heartbroken relationship; although it seems right to stay in the mess and prove to yourself and others, that it was "meant to be"; yet it feels so wrong as you continue to hurt from within. However you detach... from all the memories you've invested in and learn to be deeply rooted in Divine Love which gives substance to hold you and teach you and never allowing you to be or feel torn apart. For it is a Love that never shakes or fails.

Though you love, you detach...
It's like experiencing a loved one move away; although you miss them terribly and millions of thoughts come your way and emotions want to run you wild, yet you detach and appreciate the times you had with them. For you discover that every moment and every person that comes your way is an opportunity to celebrate Life and Love.

Though you love, you detach...
It's like having a loved one pass away and having to watch family members express emotions and deteriorate from within. As you watch you comfort and speak words of life, but sooner or later realize that you must detach knowing that the Comforter shall fulfill all their emptiness and bring forth strength and joy everlasting as they too learn from Life's lesson.

Though you love you detach... for you will learn that nothing on earth, not man, or spouse, or child, or family, or finance, or success or other gods can cause you who is a Spirit being to become attached to the earthly realm.

To Love is to see yourself in everyone; for God is Love. Love makes a personal decision to cancel out all that is not of God and only only choose to see and walk in divine understanding. To Love is to remove all judgments, false conceptions, assumptions or discrimination. To Love is to awaken and regenerate Divine Life in others; as we rejoice with Love and ultimately become one with all...

Therefore, as we detach we let go and let God as you trust in the endless possibilities of the impossible. It is an opportunity to disconnect from all polluted consciousness of the negative forces, all soul ties and adhere to the essence of the Divine Source.

Although it may be a challenging task, yet as we detach, we triumph as the storms (people and old beliefs) come our way. We learn to let go of the false love that is rooted on emotions and instead hold on to true Love based on divine substance. Nevertheless, understanding that nothing in the earthly realm can move us.

No matter how great something may seem in your life and the different avenues that opens up for you; be sure you are not attached to anything. As "God so loved the world, (though he loved), He gave His one and only begotten Son" (He detach). Therefore, through Jesus Christ His Son, He taught us to detach from the materialistic things of the world, and gave us LOVE. A Love that can never fade or go wrong, a Love that gives to all, whether we want it or accept it.

Until then, make it a productive One,


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Evacuating the building

It is time to evacuate the building and bring in a fresh invigorating aroma. That’s right, we must say good bye to some of the stubborn and uninvited guests that has accumulated inside our property for so long and has shattered our dwelling place. This is a crucial matter and it should be dealt with. Your action is needed or else these guests will destroy your house.
This building is the house of God made up of the body, soul and spirit. It is not the physical house you are residing in right now. Therefore, you are that house, the temple of God. This temple is also known as the body, sanctuary or dwelling place. However, we are not the physical body, but are spirit beings that live in a body and has a soul. In other words your divine nature is immortal, but the body is not. Nevertheless, we must not see our body as the flesh and quickly think that it is not worthy before God. For the body you carry is as important for it is used to celebrate life and love from the divine wisdom. You were created from His image and likeness and that is pure consciousness. For we are a house not made by human hands. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? (1Cor 3:16).

In addition to this temple are the guests which brings the adverse thoughts and or the negative belief system in our surroundings. We tend to collect their dust as their intentions are not to help freshen up or build the house, but to seek to destroy it. Thus, as God's holy temple we must be concerned with what comes in and out of us. Just as spring cleaning is a necessity for some people to do, we also must continuously find time to assess our spiritual growth by cleansing and refreshing our temple from within without. So it is a great idea to began to make a conscious decision to evacuate all unwanted guests and their actions.

When something is called for evacuation, we often think of an urgent matter. For to evacuate you must remove all contents from the body (the temple) that may cause a hazard. It is vitally important to preserve our divine self rather then to let it become contaminated. Let us keep in mind that everything that we produce starts from an idea that we conceive within. I mean, what is the point of going to a place that looks great on the outside, but only to want to leave as soon as you enter? The same way our physical body looks great on the outside because of healthy eating and exercising, or just dressing it up with glamour; our inner core on the other hand is just as important and must not be wasting away.

Therefore, the Light (Christ) inside your temple will shine as soon as you decide to take action. This must happen by being nurtured with the revelation of the Truth. The Truth which is the eternal Word of God can only be activated (for it is alive and active) by discovering the mysteries inside of it. These mysteries are not unknown, but made known to the one that truly desires to be reconnected to the Divine Source. It is for the one who will relinquish the old self by calling it to evacuate the building of God and feed the new self only with divine manna from above. For this experience will beautify your temple from within without as you bring forth the aroma of Christ.

Now is the time to do some self assessment. Make sure that your dwelling place is established only in divine substance as you remove all unwanted layers of burdens of anxiety, adverse thoughts and the likes. As you write down the names and the actions of these unwanted guests be sure to desire to awaken and regenerate your divine self so that your Spirit is not being grieved. Don't allowed these guest to take over, rather call them out to be evacuated.

The Choice is yours!

Until then, make it a productive One,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to awaken your heart desire

In order to awaken our heart desire, one must first acknowledge what that is; for without desire, it will be difficult to bring forth the divine ideas that have been given to you. Through this acknowledgment we grow in understanding that there is only one desire which is God’s and it is perfect, fulfilling all in all.

So what is desire? As I have defined before a desire is energy in motion, a driven or a creative force; a longing or can also be defined as a wish; to sum up, desire is power. These definitions reside from the subconscious mind which is the place that receives information from the conscious mind and brings forth Life according to the power that we put into it. Our heart/the subconscious mind plays an important role so we must nurture it with Love. As we learn to awaken our heart's wishes we will know that its purpose is to satisfy the common good of all according to the Love of the Father for His children.

Therefore, whatsoever one wants it can only be activated from their creative ability to manifest that perfect desire. However, we must make sure that the goal of the desire is based on divine intention or we may seek to desire in vain, thus wanting to satisfy the false ego. That's why the importance of us desiring is not that the “flesh”/ “self” will gratify its needs, but to know that we are called to have that perfect desire a divine gift from God. Thus this helps us to carry out a great task. In the same manner, Jesus Christ was a great example of desiring the will of God. In his teachings and through his actions He only wanted to see many come to realize their divine nature. If we truly study out his heart desire, there was only one focus, one idea, one desire, and one power.

In addition, one can only awake what they are aware of to put into action the divine ideas of God. The more we are aware; we become conscious and this consciousness gives us the power to stir up this divine gift of desiring. However, we must not doubt that we have nothing to manifest, for there may be times of discouragement or uncertainty. Keep in mind the perfect desire was already given to us, instilled in our spirit to make our environment a better place and become the best that we were called to be.

Further, your heart desire can only be awaken when you seek to become one with God's desire. As Jesus said, the Father abides in me and I abide in the Father. In this unity there is only one desire. Thus you can seek to awaken your heart desire once you melt with God's by becoming one with the Christ within.

"In the depth of your heart (desire) there is an awe-inspiring divine idea which is a gift from God that requires you to explore and share with many (the world)".

-G. S.

Until then, make it a productive One,


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Invitation to perfect desire

There is nothing more glorious then to have your heart desire come true. And it is even more wonderous when we've come to realize this perfect desire only comes from the Divine Source. However, something or someone may have interrupted the flow of you experiencing this perfect desire. Therefore, we should take some time out to question and ponder on what our belief system is telling us.

Has your desire to do good (make this world a better place) been corrupted by wrong thoughts or bad company? Has negative faith called fear poked you too many times in the head to tell you that your dreams amount to nothing and that not having money or enough of it can stop you from achieving these goals? Have you come to a place where you feel as if life is not bringing you anywhere?

If you are able to relate to all or any of these questions, I invite you to “find freedom to walk in the perfect desire that which He has for you”. For it is written that God knows the desire of our heart. This is the desire that is established on Love to benefit the common good of all. This is the perfect desire that is self-less, originated from God. In this perfect desire there is no error, no selfish ambition, or bad company, but only Truth that is based on Reality and that is the Love of the Father.

In order for anything to be accomplish we must have that desire within to be activated. To do this we must first want what we call this 'driven force' which is desire to be awaken within us. So, by understanding the perfect desire of God we live a more productive life that brings blessings to us and those around us as well.

This is an invitation to perfect desire; for the power is in your hand to decide. You can either read and discard or read and accept by becoming inspired to live out your true heart desire. The decision to accept will revitalize your soul and bring freedom to truly embrace this precious gift called desire. Your reply however, is not a physical action, but a subconscious one.
For this reason, it is not for you to be convinced of anything that is being offered, but to understand that by awakening your true heart desire you will acknowledge the perfect will within you and wish to soar on wings like the eagles. Believe it or not this invite came to you because you are well known by God. This is so that every bondage, baggage, old beliefs of others may have personalized can be "root out, pull down and to destroy..." in the name of JESUS!!

I welcome you to come and experience pure bliss in your union with our Heavenly Father God. You can find liberty to walk in the perfect desire for your life and continuously find all the solutions to solve life’s questions. That which you desire will be made known onto you. Therefore, "come to Him with a happy heart; be refreshed in your spirit and strengthen others in your path” as you learn to awaken your heart desire.

Until then, make it a productive One,


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What is your heart desire?

Every thought or action in our life comes from a desire. For it is like an idea that a waits to manifest. When we desire something we are using an important faculty, the heart/subconscious mind that "flow the springs of life". From the subconscious which is also known as the soul, one can express the true language of their heart. This language is based on Divine Love which is the key to all things and the greatest gift given to the universe. Therefore, God's Love in you (your soul) causes you to desire the treasures that He has for you.

Thus, to desire is to acquire from within the wonderful treasures and express it towards nature. It is “energy in motion” or can be known as the driven force from the subconscious that is full of power.
Desiring is the idea from the Divine mind. God wants us to have the kingdom and excel in all things as we express our divine nature. Our Heavenly Father wants so much good for us, yet how are we matching our desire with His, instead of becoming stuck to the things of this world?

As some may show a great love in manifesting their desire another may not. For this reason, our lack of zeal in following our desire may fail if we don't acknowledge the importance of awakening the treasures within. As dear children of God we must become receptive to God as we die of our old self, this is the old desires that doesn't benefit others. Instead we must be conscious of the Christ within that brings good intentions to desiring what God wants. Through this consciousness we are nourished with divine purpose to experience spiritual growth. As Charles Fillmore says, a “deep desire is essential to spiritual growth…” Our personal development helps us to comprehend the revelations of Christ. Through this we see the importance of acknowledging the desire of our heart.

What is your heart desire?
Is it to be happy; make this world a better place; live a purposeful & successful life; get married, and or find freedom in your affairs? One may have many wishes; nevertheless, to awaken our heart desire which is in the heart of the Father, we will be able to see all of our wish come true.

Whatever your answer may be, know that today your heart desire is for God.

Until then, make it a productive One,

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Let us give thanks

Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what he has done.
~I Chronicles 16:8

I am thankful for you, for you are one of a kind

I am thankful for you, for your presence is divine

I am thankful for you, for your strength has given me hope

I am thankful for your inspiration that has kept me a float

I am thankful for the tears, the joy and long suffering we've shared

I am thankful for your endurance, standing still in times of despair.

Yes, it is that time again, where we gather together with our loved ones and bring in the wonderful meals and share what we are most thankful for. However, can you imagine if we were conscious of this kind act everyday, rather then just on the holidays? Fortunately, we can, for everyday whether rain or shine, cold or hot, holiday or regular day, hungry or full, is a day to give thanks. It is a day where we can come and call on His name as the scripture tells us and “make known” the great things that He has done in your life.

When we are thankful we express our appreciation towards something or someone. We don't necessarily have to receive something to say thank you. Yet, with a grateful heart one expresses the joy of God’s wonders. And the more we come to Him with a happy heart; we are refreshed in our Spirit and strengthen others in our path.

As we give thanks to God for the many blessings He has poured in our lives, let us also be thankful and consider even those we may call strangers. Keep in mind that the world is a better place because you are a part of it. Therefore, as we learn to grow in one Love and unite in one Spirit we will seek to only see the goodness of God and be thankful for His creations.

Let us give thanks today & “make a joyful noise unto the Lord”. Please, take time to simply be thankful for the air that you breathe, the lessons of life, the ground that you walk on and your surroundings. Even at this moment simply thank God for what He is doing and going to do in your life. Thank Him for the new avenue of abundance that He is opening up for you at this very moment.

Some things may not seem as important, but remember a simple “thank you” goes a long way.

Until then, make it a productive One,



Sunday, November 23, 2008

Casting "your" burdens

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never pursuit the righteous to be moved" Psalm 55:22

How does the sound of having all your constant worries and your troubles come to a complete end? This is not just for a limited time, but an everlasting sense of peace and freedom. Yes, every single burden that is causing you to become weary and unproductive can be cast over unto the Lord. For it is written, “cast our burdens unto him for he cares for us”.

However, some may say they have already given their worries, but whether they realize it or not, deep down they may still be battling by trying to solve the matter on their own. As this happens they personally bring upon themselves more stress, thus allowing the adverse thoughts of the world collective consciousness to weigh them down. For this reason we can mistakenly carry the wrong burden. Jesus said, “come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest...For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Matthew 11:28, 30.

Whatever the name of the burden you may be facing, whether its a disease, an insecurity, a financial crisis, seek to know that it is not yours to keep. By casting it upon the Lord, it is a conscious work that needs to be applied. All the worries start from our thought process. The more we think about a particular situation, the more we take action and allow it to affect us, either spiritually, mentally, and or physically. That is why we must take God's burden, which Jesus told us it was light.

Jesus didn't say there weren't going to be burdens. Yes, there are trails we must face in life, but to only make us stronger and wiser and live a more stress less life. If we have a burden that is light, this means that we are perceiving life through the eyes of Truth. If a certain situation arise, we don't immediately panic, or start complaining and feeling hopeless. No! When you mentally throw it on the Christ within, through positive affirmation that is full of Life, you will experience the easy yoke and light burden that Jesus was referring to.

His Light is the Truth that frees us from these burdens. In Truth, there are no struggles or panic attacks, or sorrows, but only the one we create for our self in our mind. When we perceive through the eyes of Truth we only come to understand and learn the lesson's of life. The Truth is Reality which is the essence of all things which is Christ. In Christ we find the wisdom and life of God which is pure consciousness and the results can only be stress free and awe-inspiring.

Take some time to find out how you are feeling today? What are some of the burdens that are just way too heavy in consciousness and you would like to cast on the Christ within today? Which adverse thoughts have you been suppressing for so long and still haven’t dealt with and trust that He has taken care of it?

Take some time to ponder on these questions and find your answers. The goal is to free your mind and embrace the challenges of life by seeing them in the light of Truth. Learn to give it over to God and trust that He will provide you with the instructions as to what you need to learn from all this. Remember that “…the battle is not yours, but Gods” 2 Chronicle 20:15. Don’t let your mind wrestle with you. Take action, for freedom is yours! Therefore, make a decision to enjoy life more, rather then allowing it to worry you.

Until then, make it a productive One,

Friday, November 14, 2008

Don't forget to Dream

“Do you have a dream?
If not make one for yourself, for a man without a dream is no different from a stone”.
Y. M. Dagba
We live in a fast pace society that has programmed us to focus mostly on daily activities. These activities may include our jobs, school, finances, family etc. In working in these environment we somehow become conformed to their routines. These routines however, may have destroyed the passion of what we really desire out of life. Therefore, as we work to make ends meet, it is also a necessity to find time to discover the vision that God has for our lives.

Therefore we must not forget to dream. A dream is a sequence of images and emotions that occur consciously or subconsciously and brings inspiration to us. However, to dream consciously is to have a vision. A vision is a spiritual process that is led by intuition or the subconscious mind. In the depths of your heart there is an awe-inspiring divine idea which is a gift from God that requires you to explore and share with many. Inside this idea holds your vision(s). You are unique and your divine inspiration to excell must not be put aside or second guess for once you understand it you will see the great plans for your life.

Inside each dream there is a realization. Don't think that dreaming is for losers, for inside each loser there is a winner; inside each battle there is victory; inside each idea there is an action. You were given the mind of Christ, so tap into the realm of endless possibilities of dreaming. Activate that gift that is waiting to be fulfill. Nevertheless, one must understand that their dream(s) require divine substance for “the blessings of God will never come on emptiness”.

Today, I encourage you to dream. No matter how busy life may seem, take time to invest in your happiness. You were not meant to become idle to the things of this world, but to dream BIG.

Here are some practical steps in making your dream become the living reality that you were called to manifest.
· 1st A vision usually comes from images, word of knowledge, insight that flashes from your subconscious mind.
· 2nd As you experience these insights you must act on it by writing the vision down.
· 3rd Prayer and meditation is vitally important as you seek to know God's instructions for your vision.
· 4th The intension of any vision must benefit the Universal Mind (for God will not approve a selfish desire).
· 5th Continue to practice these steps until it becomes charged up in you (as this happens the blue print of the vision will be given in your spirit).
· 6th Keep in mind that the vision must first be complete from within before it is a phase of realization.

Habakkuk 2: 2-3 And the LORD answered me, and said, (write your name) write the vision, and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Until then, make it a productive One,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Identify yourself

Stop for a brief minute and ask your self this question: Who am I? Or pose the most famous question that is usually asked to millions during a job interview: So tell me a little bit about yourself? The answer may come from our attributes, or profession or even our material possession(s). These questions are asked so that one may know their true identity. In other words, Identify yourself.

Another way of identifying yourself is by showing proof of identification such as a birth certificate, social security card, license or other forms of id. Although these actions may seem normal, some how one may believe that by saying the “right” words or giving the "proper" documents this will suffice who they truly are. However, it is time to take another look at what identity is and what it truly means to identify yourself. For in reality your true self can only be recognized from the consciousness of your divine nature which is in Christ.

An identity is a personality that describes and expresses the characteristics of a particular being or thing. Although each person represents a unique individual, as they grow in their knowledge of whom Christ is they become unified with His identity. Therefore, Christ is the identity of all man and in Him, man finds their true self identity.

However, the way to find Christ identity is by perceiving through the eye of Truth. The Truth will sustain you and cause you to walk in the nature of Christ. When this happens all other false identities dissolve to its native nothingness. You will no longer distinguish yourself from your own understanding or what others may say about you. The divine identity in you must see everyone as Christ does and cause you and others to express their perfect self expression. For this reason, "Until we become everyone else there is no identity”.

Today, let all that you are in Truth be express with faith and confidence. Before someone can even ask about or describe you, they will only see the characteristics of Christ. Keep in mind that you were created in His image and likeness and were called to be imitators of Christ. As you do this no longer will you need to describe yourself as the world does, but come and make known that all that Christ is, you can identify. You are identified as: The Christ of God! The embodiment of the Christ! The will of God in action and operation!
Here are some affirmations to help you "Identify yourself"
(Feel free to add more)
If Christ is Love: "I identity that I am Love" 1John 5:1
If Christ is the wisdom of God: "I identify that I have the mind of God" 1Corinthians 2:14.
If Christ is the light: "I identify that I am the radiance of God's glory" Hebrews 1:3.
If Christ is the Eternal Life & the Resurrection: "I identify that Christ in me is the Life & Resurrection" 1 Corinthians 15: 21-22.

Until then make it a productive One,


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You are wanted because you are worth it

In case you didn’t know, you are wanted by God. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been and or what you’ve been through or where you’re going. You are wanted because you are worth it. There is an important role that you were sent here to play on earth. This means that an infusion was originally put within your spirit to make a difference here in the lives of many. This infusion is the divine treasure which is your inheritance. An inheritance is a will; a title or property one receives from an predecessor by legal right. In the same manner, it is the "inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading..." 1 Peter1:4, that was freely given to all man through Christ. However, it is not for you to second guess yourself, but to look from within and discover the hidden treasure that lies beneath.

In Christ holds all the beauty and the fullness of the deity. Therefore, in Him we were created as that divine being to manifest our birthright to its fullness. For this reason, we should not depend on our own strength and understanding to fulfill this god-given purpose. But in Christ consciousness, one will come to discover their true existence on earth and acknowledge the blessings that they have as a child of God.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter what life circumstances may bring in your path or what others may say or think of you; for it is written “fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul” Matthew 10:28. You are wanted and are approved by God, the Sovereign Lord that has the blueprint for your life. In Him you are the completion to His equation; the perfect tool that He desires to use.

Keep in mind that your divine self lacks nothing, therefore you are complete. Even if the world puts a label on you; you were made to shine and prosper for the One that loves you more then anything you can ever imagine. Even when your plans seem to take another direction, know that the Great I AM- The God of all, your Heavenly Father seeks to tell you how much He adores you and has given you the privilege to share in His divine inheritance. Therefore, get a hold and don't let go of what was originally given to you. Jesus left this legacy behind so that we may get a hold of this great treasure and do greater works then He did.

Now is the time to tap into the wealth of abundance, your divine inheritance. Go ahead and open that treasure box; and discover the richness that He generously stored inside of you. Today take some time to appreciate and show gratitude for His desire to want to use you for something great. Take time to believe and confess with all your heart that you are a treasure and you are worth it.

The choice is yours; let it be a productive One.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

The will of God

Often time we hear, “God’s will be done”, which usually signifies as “not my way or what I want or desire” but God’s way. And as this is being said, we some how try to add or interpret our own “will” in the mix of things. That is because the thought of the will of God should not be a burden or an unwanted fearful task. Instead His will promises abundance of health, wealth, love and perfect self expression in our lives. However, if we misunderstand the will of God we may believe that “our will” must conform to God and vise versa. However, what is the will of God, as we hear from time to time, “His good and pleasing will”?

A written will is a decree or a testament form of instructions or a mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses their affairs for family members to have after their death. But the divine will of God justifies all other wills. It is not written by man but the Spirit of God. Therefore, Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the written law. And it is in Christ, where the kingdom of God is established within each man, does one find the perfect will of God for their lives. Once we align ourselves through consciousness with the kingdom of God from within, we become one with the divine will.

As we are unified with the will of God we comprehend that all of our life affairs shall come to pass for His glory. By this we no longer become resistant to the challenges that may arise during our life journey. We must keep in mind that as Jesus subjected to the will of the Father we must do the same; for He was the first to fully manifest Christ and has given us the divine will {Christ}. Thus, through this awareness we say “God’s will”, and must trust that He will give us the right answers and accomplish our desires and needs.
However, if our words say one thing and our heart chooses another, then we have not yet fully aligned and submit with the divine will, the Christ within.

Now is the time to acknowledge the divine will that was inscribed on the tablet of your heart the subconscious mind. For this is the ultimate will where you discover the true meaning of your existence. His good and pleasing will "perfects all that concerns you" and is now available for you to know.

Until then, make it a productive one,

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Divine Intimacy

The Idea of Intimacy usually brings to mind ‘relationship’. To best exemplify this idea, we can think of a relation between a man and a woman. For within the human soul there is a male/intellect or conscious mind and female/heart or subconscious mind principle. The more these principles work in sync, the more harmony one will experience from within. That is because our soul was designed to unite with God Mind- where only true Love originates and exists. This is the place where one can find Divine Intimacy and no where else.

Therefore, if the male principle is not properly supplied with the Christ substance ‘within’ then our female principle will seek to meet its needs met ‘without’. For instance, we see a person, we become attracted to that person; and then feelings arise. As much as we may “feel” that we are in love or truly care for that person, all this is happening from in outward appearance that may have left us feeling something inside. While in this love bubble, we give our all, for the sake of “love” but only to be left empty, and incomplete. If this sensation that we may call “love” is not based on divine understanding we are only in lust which is an overwhelming or obsessive desire usually based on something sexual.

But as we seek to cultivate our personal relationship with Jesus Christ- the Lover of our soul, His Love will change and replenish us. We will no longer need to find and feel "love" from the outside world. From His Love, Divine Intimacy will dissolve hurts; confusions faced from past relationships and replace it with respect, freedom, joy and unconditional love. Through this experience we will have unending supply of Love to not only receive but give to others as well.

Today, take time to ponder on Divine Intimacy. For it is a spiritual union that your soul was created to know. Today, take time to welcome Divine Intimacy. It is an everlasting experience that fulfills all your desires. In the same manner you would greet and communicate with your mate; make this happen in the secret place of your heart with the Lover of your soul. As you invite Him in, the Holy Spirit will take over and give you an experience you will never forget.
In His Love,

Monday, October 20, 2008

Jesus is the only Way

We must not take our lives for granted. Our purpose for being here can only be found in Jesus. For this reason, it is necessary to know the plan of God for our lives. In this plan, one will find principles that have been stored from within. However, these plans cannot be properly manifested if we are not operating from the Infinite Spirit of God.

Through the guidance of the Spirit of God one will find that Jesus is the way to all things. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, whether it’s your finances, relationships, decisions or your reason for living, the ultimate path is in Him. And we can come to know the way by seeking to understand the teachings of Jesus. He taught nothing else but the way to the Father, which is Christ. The expression of the Christ is Love and Love is the way to the Father.

The “Way” taught by Jesus is more than a doctrine to follow. It is above all a way to live. That is why Christianity is not about religion, but a lifestyle. By building the Christ character within ourselves, through the understanding of the teachings of Jesus, we create a spiritual mindset that gives insight from the Infinite Spirit of God to guide our pathway. There is no other path to God, given to Mankind beside the manifestation of God through Jesus Christ.

Hence, whatever path you take in life, will always first come from a decision. Keep in mind that the way you think determines the kind of decisions you make. The decisions you make affects your purpose in life. And as you make your decisions; be inspired by the Spirit of Christ. As this happens you will experience complete change.

Until then make it a productive One!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Know how God loves you

“This is Love, not that we love God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” 1 John 4: 10. We all want to say how much we love God. But love is not real without the substance of Love. God is Love. To love God, is to express God towards God and that is manifesting His nature towards others. The substance of Love in us is our understanding of the love of God for us. Without this understanding, our love is but a mere human empty affection. Understanding is wisdom, and wisdom is the father of Love. God is wisdom, and Love is His Son. So what the above scripture is telling us is that Wisdom loves us enough to send Love to us, so that Love could wash us clean from our sins, for “love covers multitude of sins” 1 Peter 4: 8.

Before you can know how much God loves you, you must know how God loves you. The Love that God has for you is the love that He has for Himself. God is Love. God loves you by seeing Himself in you. It is like seeing your own self in jail, and seeking to be rescued. As you were imprisoned into sin, God looking at us saw Himself in jail. As we are the essence of God in nature, He never tried to rescue the old self, but the divine Self within you. That is the divine Self that was lost in consciousness through sin.

For that reason, Jesus came, and took upon himself, through consciousness, our old and false self. This is the meaning of “He became sin for us, to condemn sin in the sinful man”. Jesus destroyed the old false self on the cross and the gate of the jail we were in was open. This is salvation. Salvation is the manifestation of Love towards Himself in Man. When the jail gate was opened, our true divine Self came out as the “New Self”, which is created to be like God” Ephesians 4: 24. It is Jesus who made this possible.

God loves you. He recreated Himself in you by renewing your consciousness through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Your new “Self” is the very nature of God. God is Love. You are Love. You are not trying to Love. If you are not able to love, it is because you haven’t fully understood how God loves you.

However, today you have that understanding. Keep in mind that Love is your original and divine ‘Self”. You are Love. You express Love naturally. You are not trying to learn how to Love. It is best that we recognize more than we need to learn. All that you need to do is to identify yourself as Love.

Begin from today to confess the “Christ-Love” in you. Do it daily and continually with faith. The word you speak will be crystallized into your soul, and will begin to defeat sin, error, sickness, depression, failure, and all negativity in your life. You are Love.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Divine Health is Yours! Part-Two

In part one of Divine Health is yours, you have learned how the belief in the world negative consciousness has hindered your health. This hindrance has contaminated your mind, which as a result triggered sickness in the body. When we experience certain physical restrictions, they affect our overall productivity level. Consequently this may have left you sick, hopeless and discouraged. However, through the redemptive work of Christ Jesus one will find total restoration in their mind, body and soul.

Therefore, divine health is yours!

God has already made a provision for your healing through the redemptive works of Christ Jesus, which has given you salvation from sin, sickness and death. However, it is up to each one of us to first believe and accept this Good News. The Truth in the word of God not only renews your mind, but also dissolves anything that is not from God including all our infirmities.

Since salvation has already been given, therefore, walking in divine health it is not a matter of “when the time is right”, but understanding that the time is now! Not tomorrow or later, but right this minute. According to your faith may it be given to you. You must put your faith in the word and nothing else. Don’t look for signs; just simply believe and thank God in advance for your divine health. For example this woman experienced instant healing due to her faith in the following passage of scripture:

“But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour”. Therefore, now is the time, walk in your divine health!

Here are some practical that will help you remain in divine health.

1. First of all, in order for your mind to be transformed into the divine Mind you must not just read the word and memorize it; but you must also become one with it. This oneness is possible when you identify yourself with the Truth. For example, the word says that “you are fearfully and wonderfully made”, and “you were created in his image and likeness”. You must take time to ponder on the Word, and seek to get a deeper revelation (understanding) of it.

2. Secondly, don’t rush, but learn to bask in the presence of God. Begin with one verse and spend at least 5 or 10 minutes in meditation. Through consistency in prayer, meditation and affirmations I guarantee you will see the change.

3. Lastly, do some affirmations. When you affirm you are speaking with conviction by testifying and declaring the Truth. As you affirm, be sure to see yourself already healed; also appreciate and embrace each part of your body and with all your mind and heart and affirm your perfect divine health NOW!


I rejoice that Christ has made me whole
My mind is now renewed through this word of Truth
I thank God for a health and vibrant body
I now have perfect bodily function
(Or name specific body parts, i.e liver or heart etc.)
I am now free from all diseases (name each disease/illness or diagnosis)
(And watch each one vanish from your mind and body)
I can now walk/run/ (name things that you were not able to do before)
I now freely walk in Divine Productivity

Until then, make it a productive (healthy) One!

In Love,


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Divine Health is Yours! Part-One

God created Mind and body to work harmoniously. And through this we must experience perfect bodily function, which is our divine right. Therefore, our body should be free of pain, disease and other abnormalities. But if there is an illness or a handicap that has held you in bondage, whether in your mind, body or soul, today is the day to begin to walk in divine health. It is time to acknowledge your divine right, receive your healing and walk in your divine manifestation.

Therefore, divine health is

However, in order to receive divine health you must first recognize what has been preventing you from walking in it. Everything begins in the mind which consists of our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. And since the mind controls the body we must become aware of what we think, feel and believe. If not we will give into the fears of sin, sickness and death which is the world collective consciousness. As this consciousness arises, we must be careful not to allow it to become part of our daily living.

But thanks be to God there is a solution to this dilemma and it is found in the Christ consciousness. Jesus became a sin offering by taking up all of the world negative consciousness upon himself. He nailed it! He destroyed it! And He buried it! And when he arose from the dead, he made all sicknesses and diseases “null and void”.

Therefore, divine health is yours!

Through the redemptive works of Christ Jesus our mind has been renewed. And when we are renewed we are restored. Christ has already restored and reestablished us to wholeness and perfect health. In the health terminology to be sound means that there is no damage and one is free from illness. Now my question for you is this:

How much do you truly desire to be free from your sickness?

You have read that the cause for this sickness is the false belief in the world negative consciousness.

You have read that Jesus destroyed that consciousness and has set you free from its effects.

How much do you truly desire to be free?

Stay tune for part 2 of this article, in the meanwhile declare your perfect healing!

Until then make it a productive One!

In love,


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Faith - Solid as a ROCK!

We all have faith. Therefore we all believe in something, for everyone was given a measure of faith. Faith is essential in our daily lives. Whether we believe it or not, faith is applied in everything that we think or do. We have faith that we will see tomorrow, receive our paycheck, go on vacation or retire, and even see our children grow up. We also plan for future goals because we put our confidence into something that we anticipate to sooner or later manifest in our lives.

Therefore, faith is indispensable for it is needed in order to produce the kind of life that we desire. But if faith is not built on Truth [divine substance], then it will not lead us to divine productivity. It is in the divine substance [assurance of things not seen] will faith give us access to the kingdom of heaven- (the realm of perfect ideas). And this kingdom is not in the sky, but is found within the heart [subconscious mind] of each man as he earnestly seeks for it.

For it is written: “And I tell you, you are Peter, [Greek, Petros—a large piece of rock] and on this rock [faith] I will build My church….And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven…” These keys are the revelation of truths of the kingdom. The understanding of these truths quickens the eye of our faith to give us substance. This substance opens up the reality of God to us.

Keep in mind that we all have faith. Therefore, take your measure and allow it to grow as you affirm all (the truths) that is within you. Whatever plans you have set for yourself, take time to examine and allow these plans to be rooted in divine substance. Now is the time to seek to build only upon that which is eternal and that is the Truth in God-Solid as a rock. For God says, “everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a sensible (prudent, practical, wise) man who built his house upon the rock”.

Until then, make it a productive One!


Friday, October 3, 2008

What is Divine Productivity?

Divine Productivity is the recognition and the fulfillment of one's life purpose. However, in order for one to recognize his life purpose, he would first have to acknowledge God as the source of all life. And it is in Him we have come to express and manifest this divine life.

Without this knowledge that we are from the Divine Life, one may live without realizing his life purpose. Keep in mind that anyone can be productive, even out of the goodness of their heart, yet it is only through Divine productivity can he fulfill the perfect will of God. This divine will encompasses the well being for all mankind.

For this reason, we must be careful of our intention, for if it is not in alignment with God's will, it will not produce divinely. By divinely producing we are bringing forth good works from God that will live on in eternity. It is written, “We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works...” These are not works that come and go as we may experience on earth, but they have eternal values that will bring forth radical changes in the lives of all. And only through these changes can one find the true meaning of living the God-life.

This divine life awaits on you for perfect manifestation. Now is the time! You must wait no longer, but rather seek in order to find the answers to a more fulfilling life. No longer must you feel unproductive. Allow your life purpose to bring into existence the very plan God has for you. The unfoldment of this plan leads you to Divine Productivity.

Until then make it a productive One!

With Love,


Thursday, October 2, 2008

You've been called...Now what?!

There is a divine call upon our lives. However, many of us may have ignored this call because our mind is too preoccupied with our day-to-day duties. These responsibilities involve countless tasks; such as checking off things from our to-do lists; fulfilling our duties at work; or keeping up with our daily chores etc. Though, it is good to strive responding to life demands; it is more satisfying to know our divine purpose.

This divine purpose shouldn’t be anything new. It was already written in your heart before you were born. The bible says that “He [God] chose (you) in Him before the foundation of the world…” (Ephesians 1:4), for a great task, which He prepared in advance for you to do.

This wonderful task is the specific reason for which He has set you apart. However it shouldn’t be a burden, for God is doing the work in you and through you. Therefore, you don’t have to figure things out on your own, for God has all the answers. All you need to do is trust that He is the one carrying out this purpose through you.

It is written: “you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you…” John 15:16. To appoint means to be established with power by a decree or mutual agreement. God did not only set you apart, but He has empowered you with supernatural abilities to function in your divine purpose. But you must keep in mind that God needs your agreement.

Now that you know there is a divine purpose for your life, what’s next? First you must become conscious of your surroundings. Your environment can affect you spiritually. Therefore, be sure that you are surrounded by positive people who will encourage you and help bring the best out of you.

Next, seek communion with God as He will guide you through the fulfillment of your divine call.

With Love,
