“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never pursuit the righteous to be moved" Psalm 55:22How does the sound of having all your constant worries and your troubles come to a complete end? This is not just for a limited time, but an everlasting sense of peace and freedom. Yes, every single burden that is causing you to become weary and unproductive can be cast over unto the Lord. For it is written, “cast our burdens unto him for he cares for us”.
However, some may say they have already given their worries, but whether they realize it or not, deep down they may still be battling by trying to solve the matter on their own. As this happens they personally bring upon themselves more stress, thus allowing the adverse thoughts of the world collective consciousness to weigh them down. For this reason we can mistakenly carry the wrong burden. Jesus said, “come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest...For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Matthew 11:28, 30.
Whatever the name of the burden you may be facing, whether its a disease, an insecurity, a financial crisis, seek to know that it is not yours to keep. By casting it upon the Lord, it is a conscious work that needs to be applied. All the worries start from our thought process. The more we think about a particular situation, the more we take action and allow it to affect us, either spiritually, mentally, and or physically. That is why we must take God's burden, which Jesus told us it was light.
Jesus didn't say there weren't going to be burdens. Yes, there are trails we must face in life, but to only make us stronger and wiser and live a more stress less life. If we have a burden that is light, this means that we are perceiving life through the eyes of Truth. If a certain situation arise, we don't immediately panic, or start complaining and feeling hopeless. No! When you mentally throw it on the Christ within, through positive affirmation that is full of Life, you will experience the easy yoke and light burden that Jesus was referring to.
His Light is the Truth that frees us from these burdens. In Truth, there are no struggles or panic attacks, or sorrows, but only the one we create for our self in our mind. When we perceive through the eyes of Truth we only come to understand and learn the lesson's of life. The Truth is Reality which is the essence of all things which is Christ. In Christ we find the wisdom and life of God which is pure consciousness and the results can only be stress free and awe-inspiring.
Take some time to find out how you are feeling today? What are some of the burdens that are just way too heavy in consciousness and you would like to cast on the Christ within today? Which adverse thoughts have you been suppressing for so long and still haven’t dealt with and trust that He has taken care of it?
Take some time to ponder on these questions and find your answers. The goal is to free your mind and embrace the challenges of life by seeing them in the light of Truth. Learn to give it over to God and trust that He will provide you with the instructions as to what you need to learn from all this. Remember that “…the battle is not yours, but Gods” 2 Chronicle 20:15. Don’t let your mind wrestle with you. Take action, for freedom is yours! Therefore, make a decision to enjoy life more, rather then allowing it to worry you. Until then, make it a productive One,
1 comment:
This article is so powerful and so liberating. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us all. Let this be the beginning of a great inspiration to the whole world. Once again, thank you
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