Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You are wanted because you are worth it

In case you didn’t know, you are wanted by God. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been and or what you’ve been through or where you’re going. You are wanted because you are worth it. There is an important role that you were sent here to play on earth. This means that an infusion was originally put within your spirit to make a difference here in the lives of many. This infusion is the divine treasure which is your inheritance. An inheritance is a will; a title or property one receives from an predecessor by legal right. In the same manner, it is the "inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading..." 1 Peter1:4, that was freely given to all man through Christ. However, it is not for you to second guess yourself, but to look from within and discover the hidden treasure that lies beneath.

In Christ holds all the beauty and the fullness of the deity. Therefore, in Him we were created as that divine being to manifest our birthright to its fullness. For this reason, we should not depend on our own strength and understanding to fulfill this god-given purpose. But in Christ consciousness, one will come to discover their true existence on earth and acknowledge the blessings that they have as a child of God.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter what life circumstances may bring in your path or what others may say or think of you; for it is written “fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul” Matthew 10:28. You are wanted and are approved by God, the Sovereign Lord that has the blueprint for your life. In Him you are the completion to His equation; the perfect tool that He desires to use.

Keep in mind that your divine self lacks nothing, therefore you are complete. Even if the world puts a label on you; you were made to shine and prosper for the One that loves you more then anything you can ever imagine. Even when your plans seem to take another direction, know that the Great I AM- The God of all, your Heavenly Father seeks to tell you how much He adores you and has given you the privilege to share in His divine inheritance. Therefore, get a hold and don't let go of what was originally given to you. Jesus left this legacy behind so that we may get a hold of this great treasure and do greater works then He did.

Now is the time to tap into the wealth of abundance, your divine inheritance. Go ahead and open that treasure box; and discover the richness that He generously stored inside of you. Today take some time to appreciate and show gratitude for His desire to want to use you for something great. Take time to believe and confess with all your heart that you are a treasure and you are worth it.

The choice is yours; let it be a productive One.


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