Thursday, October 9, 2008

Divine Health is Yours! Part-One

God created Mind and body to work harmoniously. And through this we must experience perfect bodily function, which is our divine right. Therefore, our body should be free of pain, disease and other abnormalities. But if there is an illness or a handicap that has held you in bondage, whether in your mind, body or soul, today is the day to begin to walk in divine health. It is time to acknowledge your divine right, receive your healing and walk in your divine manifestation.

Therefore, divine health is

However, in order to receive divine health you must first recognize what has been preventing you from walking in it. Everything begins in the mind which consists of our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. And since the mind controls the body we must become aware of what we think, feel and believe. If not we will give into the fears of sin, sickness and death which is the world collective consciousness. As this consciousness arises, we must be careful not to allow it to become part of our daily living.

But thanks be to God there is a solution to this dilemma and it is found in the Christ consciousness. Jesus became a sin offering by taking up all of the world negative consciousness upon himself. He nailed it! He destroyed it! And He buried it! And when he arose from the dead, he made all sicknesses and diseases “null and void”.

Therefore, divine health is yours!

Through the redemptive works of Christ Jesus our mind has been renewed. And when we are renewed we are restored. Christ has already restored and reestablished us to wholeness and perfect health. In the health terminology to be sound means that there is no damage and one is free from illness. Now my question for you is this:

How much do you truly desire to be free from your sickness?

You have read that the cause for this sickness is the false belief in the world negative consciousness.

You have read that Jesus destroyed that consciousness and has set you free from its effects.

How much do you truly desire to be free?

Stay tune for part 2 of this article, in the meanwhile declare your perfect healing!

Until then make it a productive One!

In love,


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