Thursday, December 18, 2008

Evacuating the building

It is time to evacuate the building and bring in a fresh invigorating aroma. That’s right, we must say good bye to some of the stubborn and uninvited guests that has accumulated inside our property for so long and has shattered our dwelling place. This is a crucial matter and it should be dealt with. Your action is needed or else these guests will destroy your house.
This building is the house of God made up of the body, soul and spirit. It is not the physical house you are residing in right now. Therefore, you are that house, the temple of God. This temple is also known as the body, sanctuary or dwelling place. However, we are not the physical body, but are spirit beings that live in a body and has a soul. In other words your divine nature is immortal, but the body is not. Nevertheless, we must not see our body as the flesh and quickly think that it is not worthy before God. For the body you carry is as important for it is used to celebrate life and love from the divine wisdom. You were created from His image and likeness and that is pure consciousness. For we are a house not made by human hands. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? (1Cor 3:16).

In addition to this temple are the guests which brings the adverse thoughts and or the negative belief system in our surroundings. We tend to collect their dust as their intentions are not to help freshen up or build the house, but to seek to destroy it. Thus, as God's holy temple we must be concerned with what comes in and out of us. Just as spring cleaning is a necessity for some people to do, we also must continuously find time to assess our spiritual growth by cleansing and refreshing our temple from within without. So it is a great idea to began to make a conscious decision to evacuate all unwanted guests and their actions.

When something is called for evacuation, we often think of an urgent matter. For to evacuate you must remove all contents from the body (the temple) that may cause a hazard. It is vitally important to preserve our divine self rather then to let it become contaminated. Let us keep in mind that everything that we produce starts from an idea that we conceive within. I mean, what is the point of going to a place that looks great on the outside, but only to want to leave as soon as you enter? The same way our physical body looks great on the outside because of healthy eating and exercising, or just dressing it up with glamour; our inner core on the other hand is just as important and must not be wasting away.

Therefore, the Light (Christ) inside your temple will shine as soon as you decide to take action. This must happen by being nurtured with the revelation of the Truth. The Truth which is the eternal Word of God can only be activated (for it is alive and active) by discovering the mysteries inside of it. These mysteries are not unknown, but made known to the one that truly desires to be reconnected to the Divine Source. It is for the one who will relinquish the old self by calling it to evacuate the building of God and feed the new self only with divine manna from above. For this experience will beautify your temple from within without as you bring forth the aroma of Christ.

Now is the time to do some self assessment. Make sure that your dwelling place is established only in divine substance as you remove all unwanted layers of burdens of anxiety, adverse thoughts and the likes. As you write down the names and the actions of these unwanted guests be sure to desire to awaken and regenerate your divine self so that your Spirit is not being grieved. Don't allowed these guest to take over, rather call them out to be evacuated.

The Choice is yours!

Until then, make it a productive One,

1 comment:

Herlay, said...

its time to start paying a close attention to ourselves within. thank you for writing this, it made me realize the "vital importance" of the authentic self.