Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Seeking thy true Self


As we continue our search on the importance of what we are "seeking" right here and right now, we've come to analyze that a true seeker must first know his true "Self" identity. This is essential for once you've found and start walking in your divine identity, you will no longer look at things from a pointless view.

Therefore, "start today by first desiring to seek the real You-thy true Self". The real You never skips a beat of walking in Divine Productivity. The path that completes all other paths.

This is the path of seeking from above. This search from above is not in the clouds as some may call it heaven. Charles Filmore puts it as a work from within our conscious mind that connects us to Divine Mind. This work is an action. Our action as children of God is to consciously reconnect with our original nature from our subconscious mind and this is not a difficult task. For the word of God states "we have the mind mind of Christ" therefore we are not given to much that we can not bare. So, I invite you to re-align your thoughts with the thoughts of God which are pure, whole, full of power and eternal. And let your divine Self-thy true Self seek great things.

Let the mind which is in you "seek spirituality, instead of materiality. Seek to unfold the Christ Mind and to abide in spiritual consciousness. This leads into the path of peace, joy, and abundance of all good" -Charles Filmore

So as you learn to replenish the real You- Christ the seed of Life who resides from within, learn to also love the real You who is waiting for your acknowledgment. Thy true Self seeks nothing more important then to realize God.

So allow that to be the inner work of your conscious mind. Remember that all things that come from above is from within. And everything from within first originated from God who is Divine Mind and that is pure Consciousness. And all things that are pure Consciousness is Divine!

Today, what is it that you are really seeking for? If you are not sure, what would you desire to seek?

Today, don't stop seeking for spiritual growth which first comes from unfolding the Christ Mind. As you go through this experience you will find yourself always learning and growing in the house of the Lord. If you think or feel that you are all set and you've reached your "spiritual growth", think again and take another peek within/above. Another peak to awaken a new You, a happier You, a productive You.

Today, allow Infinite Spirit to guide your steps into an everlasting path of true bliss.

Until then make it a productive One,

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