Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Master in disguise Part 1

There is a voice that speaks to us. Although we may rarely take note of where its true nature comes from, we are always obedient in responding to its everyday commands. This voice is full of enticing words. Words that have originated from a mind that was founded from a certain belief. These beliefs giving order from its ideas while projecting them into a thought pattern in the mind of humanity.

These thought patterns can be understood as the “the voice” that gives us information. This voice that can be known as our daily guide; a constant instructor showing us what to do and what not to do. It is the voice that often times make one feel inferior as if only its opinion matters and one is trapped to think positively. Enclosed in this voice are the constant sounds of darkness which is error, greed, disappointments, failures, ups and downs and self glory.

In the midst of all the commotion from “the voice” we have come to realize that it is none other than the voice of the false ego , macerating itself as a master but in disguise. It is a master because we have learned to adhere to its commands and fail to discover the true voice. We have become hopeless (hopeless: because our trust in man) beings, but faithful servants (faithful because the subconscious mind has faithfully acted out on certain beliefs we have given to it.

The ego has become a personality in man that is known as the false identity/ego based on man's false wisdom; a wisdom that is based on only light from the intellectual mind. This destruction came from the fall, when man seek to find (something) that was beyond God. For we know that if we try to look beyond the Truth, we will only create for ourselves something that is not there. In doing so we will create for ourselves a false identity that came from lack of understanding of the Truth. You see every time we hear a voice that is contrary to God, we unconsciously start to obey. It has ruled us for so long that it became our neutral state of mind. If it says something nice today, we react with joy, if it directs us with information that is not positive our vibe switches and we become moody or upset.

The only power that the false voice thinks that he has is in his own limited mind. The mind that is not based on Truth will only communicate illusion which is a false understanding of what may appear in one’s mind. Therefore, it is up to us to become conscious of who we truly are by comprehending and apprehending our (divine identity) in Christ and seek to only hear the voice of Truth. With that in mind we must also pay attention to what and how we use our energy.

The power is in your hand that we may govern the world, so do not be lead by the false master and know that in Christ we triumph. We must learn instead to regenerate the flow of Life that comes out of us by being quick to think (filter every thought/idea that is not registering with our spirit) and slow to speak (for there is power in the words that come out of our mouth so be wise in what we say).

The emotions we carry come from God, who is Source of energy. Keep in mind that we were "enemies of God in our minds" for it is the mind that was corrupted with sin. It is only in the mind that the false self has power to trigger our thoughts. However, through Christ Jesus, we have been renewed in our mind and must no longer be conformed with the voice of the false ego. The Christ within us which is the divine ego; the Word of God is our guide, yet if we continually seek to obey to the voice of the false master in disguise we'll activate the wrong attitude, the wrong mindset.

Therefore, we must seek to realign our mind with the Mind of God. Th idea of realigning our mind with God should not be a difficult task, for the bible says that we have the "we have the mind of God", it just requires our dedication and desire to express who we truly are. Realignment is putting back into proper order, bring into harmony that which was originally of your nature. Once we seek to know nothing else but the Truth, we will manifest and become nothing else but the Truth.

For example: You can affirm, yet without practice, you will just become a tape recorder. Instead when a thought comes to mind (when the voice speaks) and says “you are a failure, and you’ll never succeed” or “look at you, you are a shame to this family”, don’t ignore it by affirming you are Christ, Christ already knows who He is; the question is do you? The false ego seeks to attack mostly those that are not aware of their divine nature. What we must do is get to the roots of our negative thoughts and ask questions, digging deeper and revealing the dirt that had disguised itself as "truth".

Therefore, let your beauty shine through the ideas that you are hearing from the true voice within. You are pure joy, pure beauty, let your uniqueness shine. You are a powerful being, allow your divine inheritance to activate in you your god given authority. You are the channel which expresses the desires of God ideas. He desires to unfold you and you agree that day by day the very essence of His nature will be made known. So don't let the false voice allow you not to hear these encouragements.

Therefore, don’t delay, there is not a day that you will not hear the voice of God speaking to you, letting you know how much He loves you. The choice is yours to tune into the right channel.

Until then, Make it a productive One,

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