Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Let us give thanks

Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what he has done.
~I Chronicles 16:8

I am thankful for you, for you are one of a kind

I am thankful for you, for your presence is divine

I am thankful for you, for your strength has given me hope

I am thankful for your inspiration that has kept me a float

I am thankful for the tears, the joy and long suffering we've shared

I am thankful for your endurance, standing still in times of despair.

Yes, it is that time again, where we gather together with our loved ones and bring in the wonderful meals and share what we are most thankful for. However, can you imagine if we were conscious of this kind act everyday, rather then just on the holidays? Fortunately, we can, for everyday whether rain or shine, cold or hot, holiday or regular day, hungry or full, is a day to give thanks. It is a day where we can come and call on His name as the scripture tells us and “make known” the great things that He has done in your life.

When we are thankful we express our appreciation towards something or someone. We don't necessarily have to receive something to say thank you. Yet, with a grateful heart one expresses the joy of God’s wonders. And the more we come to Him with a happy heart; we are refreshed in our Spirit and strengthen others in our path.

As we give thanks to God for the many blessings He has poured in our lives, let us also be thankful and consider even those we may call strangers. Keep in mind that the world is a better place because you are a part of it. Therefore, as we learn to grow in one Love and unite in one Spirit we will seek to only see the goodness of God and be thankful for His creations.

Let us give thanks today & “make a joyful noise unto the Lord”. Please, take time to simply be thankful for the air that you breathe, the lessons of life, the ground that you walk on and your surroundings. Even at this moment simply thank God for what He is doing and going to do in your life. Thank Him for the new avenue of abundance that He is opening up for you at this very moment.

Some things may not seem as important, but remember a simple “thank you” goes a long way.

Until then, make it a productive One,



Sunday, November 23, 2008

Casting "your" burdens

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never pursuit the righteous to be moved" Psalm 55:22

How does the sound of having all your constant worries and your troubles come to a complete end? This is not just for a limited time, but an everlasting sense of peace and freedom. Yes, every single burden that is causing you to become weary and unproductive can be cast over unto the Lord. For it is written, “cast our burdens unto him for he cares for us”.

However, some may say they have already given their worries, but whether they realize it or not, deep down they may still be battling by trying to solve the matter on their own. As this happens they personally bring upon themselves more stress, thus allowing the adverse thoughts of the world collective consciousness to weigh them down. For this reason we can mistakenly carry the wrong burden. Jesus said, “come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest...For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Matthew 11:28, 30.

Whatever the name of the burden you may be facing, whether its a disease, an insecurity, a financial crisis, seek to know that it is not yours to keep. By casting it upon the Lord, it is a conscious work that needs to be applied. All the worries start from our thought process. The more we think about a particular situation, the more we take action and allow it to affect us, either spiritually, mentally, and or physically. That is why we must take God's burden, which Jesus told us it was light.

Jesus didn't say there weren't going to be burdens. Yes, there are trails we must face in life, but to only make us stronger and wiser and live a more stress less life. If we have a burden that is light, this means that we are perceiving life through the eyes of Truth. If a certain situation arise, we don't immediately panic, or start complaining and feeling hopeless. No! When you mentally throw it on the Christ within, through positive affirmation that is full of Life, you will experience the easy yoke and light burden that Jesus was referring to.

His Light is the Truth that frees us from these burdens. In Truth, there are no struggles or panic attacks, or sorrows, but only the one we create for our self in our mind. When we perceive through the eyes of Truth we only come to understand and learn the lesson's of life. The Truth is Reality which is the essence of all things which is Christ. In Christ we find the wisdom and life of God which is pure consciousness and the results can only be stress free and awe-inspiring.

Take some time to find out how you are feeling today? What are some of the burdens that are just way too heavy in consciousness and you would like to cast on the Christ within today? Which adverse thoughts have you been suppressing for so long and still haven’t dealt with and trust that He has taken care of it?

Take some time to ponder on these questions and find your answers. The goal is to free your mind and embrace the challenges of life by seeing them in the light of Truth. Learn to give it over to God and trust that He will provide you with the instructions as to what you need to learn from all this. Remember that “…the battle is not yours, but Gods” 2 Chronicle 20:15. Don’t let your mind wrestle with you. Take action, for freedom is yours! Therefore, make a decision to enjoy life more, rather then allowing it to worry you.

Until then, make it a productive One,

Friday, November 14, 2008

Don't forget to Dream

“Do you have a dream?
If not make one for yourself, for a man without a dream is no different from a stone”.
Y. M. Dagba
We live in a fast pace society that has programmed us to focus mostly on daily activities. These activities may include our jobs, school, finances, family etc. In working in these environment we somehow become conformed to their routines. These routines however, may have destroyed the passion of what we really desire out of life. Therefore, as we work to make ends meet, it is also a necessity to find time to discover the vision that God has for our lives.

Therefore we must not forget to dream. A dream is a sequence of images and emotions that occur consciously or subconsciously and brings inspiration to us. However, to dream consciously is to have a vision. A vision is a spiritual process that is led by intuition or the subconscious mind. In the depths of your heart there is an awe-inspiring divine idea which is a gift from God that requires you to explore and share with many. Inside this idea holds your vision(s). You are unique and your divine inspiration to excell must not be put aside or second guess for once you understand it you will see the great plans for your life.

Inside each dream there is a realization. Don't think that dreaming is for losers, for inside each loser there is a winner; inside each battle there is victory; inside each idea there is an action. You were given the mind of Christ, so tap into the realm of endless possibilities of dreaming. Activate that gift that is waiting to be fulfill. Nevertheless, one must understand that their dream(s) require divine substance for “the blessings of God will never come on emptiness”.

Today, I encourage you to dream. No matter how busy life may seem, take time to invest in your happiness. You were not meant to become idle to the things of this world, but to dream BIG.

Here are some practical steps in making your dream become the living reality that you were called to manifest.
· 1st A vision usually comes from images, word of knowledge, insight that flashes from your subconscious mind.
· 2nd As you experience these insights you must act on it by writing the vision down.
· 3rd Prayer and meditation is vitally important as you seek to know God's instructions for your vision.
· 4th The intension of any vision must benefit the Universal Mind (for God will not approve a selfish desire).
· 5th Continue to practice these steps until it becomes charged up in you (as this happens the blue print of the vision will be given in your spirit).
· 6th Keep in mind that the vision must first be complete from within before it is a phase of realization.

Habakkuk 2: 2-3 And the LORD answered me, and said, (write your name) write the vision, and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Until then, make it a productive One,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Identify yourself

Stop for a brief minute and ask your self this question: Who am I? Or pose the most famous question that is usually asked to millions during a job interview: So tell me a little bit about yourself? The answer may come from our attributes, or profession or even our material possession(s). These questions are asked so that one may know their true identity. In other words, Identify yourself.

Another way of identifying yourself is by showing proof of identification such as a birth certificate, social security card, license or other forms of id. Although these actions may seem normal, some how one may believe that by saying the “right” words or giving the "proper" documents this will suffice who they truly are. However, it is time to take another look at what identity is and what it truly means to identify yourself. For in reality your true self can only be recognized from the consciousness of your divine nature which is in Christ.

An identity is a personality that describes and expresses the characteristics of a particular being or thing. Although each person represents a unique individual, as they grow in their knowledge of whom Christ is they become unified with His identity. Therefore, Christ is the identity of all man and in Him, man finds their true self identity.

However, the way to find Christ identity is by perceiving through the eye of Truth. The Truth will sustain you and cause you to walk in the nature of Christ. When this happens all other false identities dissolve to its native nothingness. You will no longer distinguish yourself from your own understanding or what others may say about you. The divine identity in you must see everyone as Christ does and cause you and others to express their perfect self expression. For this reason, "Until we become everyone else there is no identity”.

Today, let all that you are in Truth be express with faith and confidence. Before someone can even ask about or describe you, they will only see the characteristics of Christ. Keep in mind that you were created in His image and likeness and were called to be imitators of Christ. As you do this no longer will you need to describe yourself as the world does, but come and make known that all that Christ is, you can identify. You are identified as: The Christ of God! The embodiment of the Christ! The will of God in action and operation!
Here are some affirmations to help you "Identify yourself"
(Feel free to add more)
If Christ is Love: "I identity that I am Love" 1John 5:1
If Christ is the wisdom of God: "I identify that I have the mind of God" 1Corinthians 2:14.
If Christ is the light: "I identify that I am the radiance of God's glory" Hebrews 1:3.
If Christ is the Eternal Life & the Resurrection: "I identify that Christ in me is the Life & Resurrection" 1 Corinthians 15: 21-22.

Until then make it a productive One,


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You are wanted because you are worth it

In case you didn’t know, you are wanted by God. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been and or what you’ve been through or where you’re going. You are wanted because you are worth it. There is an important role that you were sent here to play on earth. This means that an infusion was originally put within your spirit to make a difference here in the lives of many. This infusion is the divine treasure which is your inheritance. An inheritance is a will; a title or property one receives from an predecessor by legal right. In the same manner, it is the "inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading..." 1 Peter1:4, that was freely given to all man through Christ. However, it is not for you to second guess yourself, but to look from within and discover the hidden treasure that lies beneath.

In Christ holds all the beauty and the fullness of the deity. Therefore, in Him we were created as that divine being to manifest our birthright to its fullness. For this reason, we should not depend on our own strength and understanding to fulfill this god-given purpose. But in Christ consciousness, one will come to discover their true existence on earth and acknowledge the blessings that they have as a child of God.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter what life circumstances may bring in your path or what others may say or think of you; for it is written “fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul” Matthew 10:28. You are wanted and are approved by God, the Sovereign Lord that has the blueprint for your life. In Him you are the completion to His equation; the perfect tool that He desires to use.

Keep in mind that your divine self lacks nothing, therefore you are complete. Even if the world puts a label on you; you were made to shine and prosper for the One that loves you more then anything you can ever imagine. Even when your plans seem to take another direction, know that the Great I AM- The God of all, your Heavenly Father seeks to tell you how much He adores you and has given you the privilege to share in His divine inheritance. Therefore, get a hold and don't let go of what was originally given to you. Jesus left this legacy behind so that we may get a hold of this great treasure and do greater works then He did.

Now is the time to tap into the wealth of abundance, your divine inheritance. Go ahead and open that treasure box; and discover the richness that He generously stored inside of you. Today take some time to appreciate and show gratitude for His desire to want to use you for something great. Take time to believe and confess with all your heart that you are a treasure and you are worth it.

The choice is yours; let it be a productive One.
