Thursday, August 19, 2010


What is Trust?

It is the five letter word that speaks in silence. The silence that can only be heard through the substantial awareness of our inner voice. This is the voice that speaks Truth, all day and everyday, every minute of every hour. It is the same Truth that resides within us and radiates in perfect harmony when we are connected with this substantial awareness which is the Wisdom of God. And from this Wisdom we learn to be still and know that all things are possible, no matter what and I repeat no matter what we seem to see or understand in the physical realm that shows us the illusions of sickness, poverty, stress, doubt and the likes.

For these are all negative thought patterns manifested from the lack of consistency in acknowledging, affirming and walking (activating) our divine inheritance-Christ. Trust is always available for us to take hold and activate. Trust says that when you doubt even at the least, its OK, because its always present for us to tap into the realities of endless possibilities and experience the wonders of God. Even though at times it seems challenging believe that God is working on our behalf, we must still Trust, for "Greater is He that is in you, then he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4). Thus, the Supremacy of God does not function according to human knowledge. By understanding the word 'Trust' from a limited point of view (by what we see & how "we" can make it happen), we are bound to trust until we see results rather then before our situations.

Keep in mind, it is written, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5-6). This scripture should be understood that Trust is working in us and for us, and not according to our "human trusting", but the Trust that is working in silence. By believing with all our hearts the Divine Life within the (subconscious mind/heart), we are entrusting all our thoughts and emotions and to put faith and action, thus believing that God is working. While this is taking place we become aware of the true meaning of Trust and the limited understanding of the so called "problems" dissolves to nothing; (lean not on your own understanding & acknowledge Him) as you walk in perfect oneness with the Holy One.

So, we must do our soul search and ask questions and get answers in order to grow in our faith. Ask: Have I failed to hear the voice of Truth? Have I chosen to depend on the outside circumstances, rather then believing that it is the Wisdom of God that leads me to all things? Have I inclined my ears to hear what is contrary to the Truth and became discouraged? Have I given up on Trusting and put my trust in "others"? Is it difficult to perceive pass the tangible?

If you've answered yes or no to any or most of these questions, NOW IS THE TIME. It's time to step out and work out your salvation as Apostle Paul says in the book of Philippians. Step out and Trust Infinite Spirit who abides in you and desires to exude the beautiful qualities of Trust in your life right now.

By trusting and leaning to the Wisdom of God to discern all things, we will learn to dissolve worrying which is a form of anxiety that causes lack of concentration, irritability, intense, stress, panic attacks and anticipating the worst. And that is not the lifestyle we want.

Stop what you are doing and seek to re-evaluate the level of Trust in your life. It shouldn't have to be a difficult task, only what we make of it. Go on ahead and Trust, when you hear nothing, know that something is working and that something is the Universe, bringing all good to you because you deserve it. Trust the substantial awareness of the inner voice. Trust in You!

-Until then,
Make it a Productive One!

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