Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Seek to bless

Counting our blessings-
how many have you counted today?

When we think or say the word 'Bless' what comes to mind? Good thoughts I bet. And if it is so then how often do we use it to encourage others? Sometimes or most of the times or rarely? Then again, is it really our desire to bless or to be bless by others? Whatever the answer may be the main focus is to first get an understanding of the word itself.

To bless means to "invoke good upon; to call forth the action of God; to confer God's good on something or someone" -Charles Filmore

This definition sounds great, now let us see how we can seek to take it further by putting it into practice?

How can one bring into existence good upon others?
It all depends what good we are talking about, for Jesus' primary focus was to give, and He only brought nothing but good upon others. This however, was not just any 'good' where some know good and there has to be a little 'bad' mixed into it. For the human eyes can not be justified with only good, but must always want to see a flaw in things. Therefore, the good that I am talking about starts with a capital 'G'. It is the Good that only sees Love in all things. The Good that only awakens and perfects all things. It is the Good that comes from God.

Hence, by seeking to bless we are invoking Good. This can only start however, from our train of thoughts. And if we train it to only seek through the eyes of God then we will only see Good, for in God there is no lie. And this Good only leads us to Truth and that Truth can only be Good. So you can only bring blessings into existence by putting divine energy in your thoughts and consciously or literally speak words of Love, hope, wisdom.

When we have good thoughts, we produce good things, that brings us joy. Then as we speak forth, the words that come out will cause something to happen. It is that simple.

However, we tend to complicate things in our lives by believing that it is impossible to only think, see, feel and speak good. Keep in mind that God is good. God is Love. God is in all things. God is in you. This is the Good that comes from the Divine Consciousness. It is the Good/God that perfects all things by seeing it in its true nature.

It may be a challenge at first to renew our minds with Divine Mind and see all things as Good, yet once we persevere and seek nothing else but God we will be lead to understand our blessing come from God alone.

Therefore, if you would like to start being a blessing to your loved ones, co-workers, friends, even people you may not personally know; start by seeking to only see and want to know the Good in them. If you see bad or something that is contrary from the Spirit of God then you've failed to perceive them through the eyes of God/Love.

By doing this we are calling forth the action of God. The action of God is the Christ within each man, the will of God in action. Therefore, speak forth the Life that is within you. Allow the words that you speak out be the blessings of prosperity, health, divine Self and Happiness.

Remember that counting your blessings doesn't have to be the ones you've received, but the ones that is waiting for you to give. How many have you given today from the sincerity of your heart? Ask yourself, who or how can I invoke Good upon today? No matter what circumstances they are in, the word of God in you does not come back void? Whether you bless someone consciously or out loud, yet with a devoted heart to give your blessings, be willing to seek to be a blessing. For the power of blessing is in your hand. Let the consciousness of blessing others be a constant reminder of giving to the world.

Until then, make it a productive One,
With Love,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Seeking thy true Self


As we continue our search on the importance of what we are "seeking" right here and right now, we've come to analyze that a true seeker must first know his true "Self" identity. This is essential for once you've found and start walking in your divine identity, you will no longer look at things from a pointless view.

Therefore, "start today by first desiring to seek the real You-thy true Self". The real You never skips a beat of walking in Divine Productivity. The path that completes all other paths.

This is the path of seeking from above. This search from above is not in the clouds as some may call it heaven. Charles Filmore puts it as a work from within our conscious mind that connects us to Divine Mind. This work is an action. Our action as children of God is to consciously reconnect with our original nature from our subconscious mind and this is not a difficult task. For the word of God states "we have the mind mind of Christ" therefore we are not given to much that we can not bare. So, I invite you to re-align your thoughts with the thoughts of God which are pure, whole, full of power and eternal. And let your divine Self-thy true Self seek great things.

Let the mind which is in you "seek spirituality, instead of materiality. Seek to unfold the Christ Mind and to abide in spiritual consciousness. This leads into the path of peace, joy, and abundance of all good" -Charles Filmore

So as you learn to replenish the real You- Christ the seed of Life who resides from within, learn to also love the real You who is waiting for your acknowledgment. Thy true Self seeks nothing more important then to realize God.

So allow that to be the inner work of your conscious mind. Remember that all things that come from above is from within. And everything from within first originated from God who is Divine Mind and that is pure Consciousness. And all things that are pure Consciousness is Divine!

Today, what is it that you are really seeking for? If you are not sure, what would you desire to seek?

Today, don't stop seeking for spiritual growth which first comes from unfolding the Christ Mind. As you go through this experience you will find yourself always learning and growing in the house of the Lord. If you think or feel that you are all set and you've reached your "spiritual growth", think again and take another peek within/above. Another peak to awaken a new You, a happier You, a productive You.

Today, allow Infinite Spirit to guide your steps into an everlasting path of true bliss.

Until then make it a productive One,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What are you seeking for?

" and ye shall find..." -Matthew 7:7

However the question is what are you seeking for & what would you like to find?

Life is a realm of infinite possibilities. And if we dare to come to a realm that limits us then that means we have stop searching. Searching for greater meaning of our existence and the accessibility to new dimensions in our journey on earth.

These dimensions are the different stages that we go through in order to awaken the wisdom from within. Therefore, as we seek for something it is because there is a desire within us that wants to gain more understanding of that particular interest. We must seek to view things beyond our human eyes. We must seek to open doors to abundant opportunities. We must seek to prosper. The more we are interested the more we seek; the more we seek the more we unfold new understanding. The more understanding unfolds the more we find endless happiness that satisfies our soul. As this search continues greater things are revealed that allows us to view life from a different prespective.

Although certain matters may have end results, such as our jobs, homes/properties, cars, education and everything of its nature, yet the things of God will lead us to endless possibilities.

Whether we realize it or not we are all seeking for something. The question is what are you seeking for? The answer you have in your heart doesn't have to please anyone, yet it depends on you to help you realize how to utilize the energy in your search.

Therefore, don't be a useless seeker searching for pleasures that brings unsuccessful results. Or don't seek to just know the surface of things, yet desire true substance that takes you deeper and awakens greater truth in you. Step out today and go the extra mile and seek to create everlasting goals everyday that will bring change in your midst and future plans. Step out into endless opportunities that will not rob you of your peace, nor bring the burdens of disharmanol thoughts.

Instead, seek another avenue. It can happen once you start to discover your true Self that was created in the image and likeness of God. You see if you are not aware of your divine Self then you may dwell in the borderline of difficulties in your path. For to seek for something besides our true Self leads us in ever-ending silent turmoil.

If we don't know who we are then life will have no true meaning and will cause us to look for foolish things. So start today by first desiring to search for the true You. The You in divine Mind. The You that is worth seeking for. The You that is full of answers. The You that seeks for a deeper understanding of the things of life.

By discovering and awakening your divine identity, your true Self will start to project and understand the importance of seeking a more meaningful productive search.

Until then make it a productive One,