Saturday, January 31, 2009

The 5 Principles of Joy

We can do many researches and be taught so much about joy, but not really grasp the true essence of this powerful topic. However, it is best to have some simple principles to help us exercise our joy, knowing that it is first in inner expression of an outer demonstration. The major thing to keep in mind is that every thought turns into a pattern and that pattern produces an end result. Therefore, if you are believing God to put some joy in your life, remember it is not his job, for “He has already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.”

Remember what ever you desire to achieve in life is up to you to make it happen.

However, as we go about this route we must do it with a joyful spirit.

Here are 5 ways of helping us activate our joy.

Remember practice makes perfect!

1.Examining without judgment

  • When we observe things we learn from it, therefore, learn to observe what you are thinking about and how you react towards events.
  • As you do these self observations be free from any judgment. You want to detect which thought pattern is not producing joy.
  • Don’t be hard on yourself if you are not experiencing happiness in situations that may arise. The key is to become aware of your surroundings and make the best out of it.
2. Make a joyful sound everyday

  • Whether it’s a simple song, a “hello” or “good bye”, express it with love as the joy in your heart uplifts those around you.
  • Learn to express gratitude in all the areas of your life, the many changes in your life and the challenging time of your life.
  • See yourself laughing more often, even when “the going gets tough” know that the tough still gets going.
3. Rejoice with matter what
  • Be happy for other people’s success because you also share in their achievement.
  • You are a joy-giver, so give joy and learn to receive it like there is no tomorrow.
  • Rejoice through the thunder storms, the blizzards & the sunshines in our lives- "Rejoice in the Lord always!"

4. You are that inspiration

  • You are that vessel of inspiration- "I am an inspiration to many", keep that in mind.
  • Through this consciousness, let your happiness be imprinted in the hearts of many.
  • Remember you always have something great to say and give & many are counting on you.
5. It is possible to experience joy
  • Understand that God desires to bring out the joy in you.
  • Experiencing joy comes from a heart that desires to acquire enlightenment of Gods Love.
  • You are full of divine substance and must carry it out with conviction and produce immediate results.

Until then, make it a productive Joyful One,


Sunday, January 25, 2009

The opportunities of Joy

Opportunities are knocking every day. In fact, it is knocking at your door right now, what do you do? Well, you can welcome it and see what it has to offer or choose to ignore it? But thank God we are curious beings, so we open the door and find out that this is a great opportunity full of joy.

It doesn’t have to be your lucky day to feel that a great opportunity will come your way. In fact, even at this moment one is waiting for you to realize, whether it's literally knocking at the door to your house or the door to your heart. The opportunities of Joy tells us that every day is a glorious one and every situation has great lessons we can learn from.

However, we must first understand that opportunities are divine ideas that we should be mindful of. An idea does not just pop up for no other reason but to tell us something. Yet, we must get a hold of it and discover the root of its plans. These ideas are divine because as you walk in Joy, you will only experience divine intentions which are like endless possibilities that constantly occurring in our path. So, by learning to be in tuned with the Universal Mind and connect to the essence of Life around us, we will always attract opportunities of Joy.

For instance, you've been dreaming of playing a lead role in a movie; then out of the blue you are ask to volunteer your time in a facility that has nothing to do with your movie path. In the mean time the Director of that movie owns that organization where you are ask to help out, but you passed the chance of helping out. There may have been opportunities of good events that were waiting behind this event. Meanwhile, you're waiting for that important phone call, just to realize you've missed another chance of expressing your talents and gifts in something else.

The point is for us not to take for granted the people and events in our lives. No matter how much you may desire something, it is always best to sacrifice and seek to meet others need before your own. As you grow in the awareness of "how can I give & love, and serve" you will experience great opportunities that can benefit many around.

For this reason, we must not ignore or put aside random thoughts that come our way, for they may be a glorious idea that is looking to express in a glorious way. Sometimes there are risk that must be taken so that we can discover and unfold the treasures of life. Therefore, it is best not to be attached to our daily routines which may cause a hindrance in our decision making.

Like in most fairy tales, especially ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and ‘Snow White’, the princess must be awakened by true loves first kiss. If she does not receive that “special” kiss then she will sleep forever. Likewise, our subconscious mind is the princess that desires to be reconnected with her prince, the male principle. However, misses this opportunity to reconnect with her true Love, then she will continue to sleep. Thus in our case we would be spiritually sleeping and missing joyful events. And this sleep is because of the door that was never answered to welcome the joyful opportunities.

So, don’t fall asleep on the opportunities that may be passing you by. It may be an answered prayer, a decision that needs to be made, an important project etc. The goal is to become aware and attentive to the movement of life around us. Ask yourself, what is it that life is offering? Out of the millions of great options, am I just seeing a few of them?

Now is the time to seek in order that you may find great opportunities in all that you are affiliated with. Don't look for the negative things which only brings your hope down, but get divine substance that will shower you with joy unspeakable.

Now is the time to re look at any situation that you may have doubted, questioned or lost enthusiasm in doing. Remember that whatever may come your way is a great opportunity for you to explore.

Until then, Make it a productive One,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Joy unspeakable!

There is just something about ‘joy’, whether it is meditating on this important topic; sharing your ‘joy’ with others or just needing some ‘joy’ in your life; a dose of joy is what we desire, for when we have it it will not go unnoticed.

We want joy in our life because it is in expression of happiness. We want joy in our lives because it attracts others. However, how can we be joyful when there is so much to worry about? How can we keep the joy and express it instead of experiencing a joy that has limits? Or, how can we make a decision to be joyful and stay joyful no matter how ugly the storms may seem in our life and so on?

The only way to answer these questions is by truly defining what true joy really means. Just the word itself automatically makes you think of something good or gives you a great sense of feeling. Therefore, if that is the case then why can’t we be joyful more often? If you are a joyful person, great, keep the joy flowing. But, if you often lose your joy even for a split second, it is time to ask what it is that we can do to only express unspeakable joy?

Joy is power, for it is a gift from God. It is the overflow of the divine life in us. This overflow of divine life is an energy, which comes from good thoughts that produce good things, which give you, joy. Furthermore, our emotions are real and they are from God and all that is from God is Good. Thus our emotions can either make us or break us for it is full of energy/life. So if our way of thinking towards a situation is not positive in other words has no divine insight, then we will not have a happy outcome and cannot fully express joy. For joy can only be experience by learning to perceive the real meaning of the dilemma that you are facing.

For example, if you are being turned down on every job application you’ve submitted and every job interview doesn't seem hopeful, do not let this bring discouragement, but rather learn to see the positive side to it. The good side is that the perfect employment is waiting for you. Yet, our intellectual mind can quickly give us a thought that seems so “right” that makes us have all the great reasons to feel distress. Such as, ‘I’m a failure and will never get this job’ or ‘I knew he/she wasn’t going to hire me by the look on their face’… Yet if this happens, as Minister AndrĂ©e D. Dagba would say, “embrace that feeling” and let your light shine.

For after the stormy rain the sun must shine. By making a decision to see this situation in a positive way, you will find joy in return, for unspeakable joy will speak out for you. The important thing to ask is, ‘what is our frustration going to solve’? So remember to recognize your hard work and deep within trust and know that God fulfills all of our every need, which is really a desire because as our Shepard we shall not be in want.

The truth is we desire and deserve happiness. We also desire and deserve to understand and walk in true happiness. Yet, if finding joy or keeping it seems impossible then it is because we are stopping our own blessings from happening. The more we observe our situations in a false insight, with no hope or substance, the less joy we have.

Today, look deep within, where all your answers reside. It is not the outcome of your success or people in your life that can put a smile on your face and make you feel great. Better yet it is the your inner quality of knowing that all that you are and all that you came to bring on this planet earth is from divine essence, which is Good. And that is your joy.

Until then, make it a productive One,

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Revolution

The New Year is here. For some, it’s about refreshing some patterns in their lives or starting fresh. It’s about wishing our loved ones the best the year will bring to them or declaring all the great things that they hope to see in this new year. It’s about new commitments to our diets, relationships, businesses and the list goes on… However, this is another year of revolutionizing our lives in a matter of seconds!!

The word revolution comes from the Latin revolutio, which means "a turn around". It is defined as a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.

Although there are different types of revolutions such as political, economical, technical etc, however this is a personal spiritual revolution in our walk of Life. In this 'turn around' for divine insight for a great year, we desire to cultivate positive thoughts and energy that will bring us eternal happiness; and it shouldn't take long. Therefore, as we are always looking for great avenues and adventure, why not create this opportunity to achieve great wealth of divine abundance of joy, peace, health and prosperity for our New Year’s Revolution.

Furthermore, we can find much power when we fix all of our energy focused on a particular idea. Imagine having an individual or even an audience attention set on a specific plan; how glorious would that be when everyone decides to send good thoughts and energy towards that target and come out with success...

Keep in mind of the dominion we've inherited from our divine nature and take our rightful place by only perceiving the best for this year and the many ahead. It is a matter of starting fresh, staying fresh and finishing fresh. A fresh start is a clean one that is free from all impurities and flaws. Therefore, by allowing each fresh idea that comes to our way to only bring good manifestation in our lives. It’s about knowing and trusting that you are here to bring out the best, just as Jesus Christ only desired to see Good in Mankind.

Thus by understanding that this 'turn around' is an awakening of all the great plans that is waiting for us to stir up within our spirit to give us tangible results. So go ahead and make that revolution of the perfect vision, perfect health, perfect marriage, perfect relationships, perfect business, perfect divine nature happen right now. Revolutionize those goals that are just sitting around waiting for you to transport some life into them...
Revolutionize the world from the Infinite wisdom that God has given you in desiring to make this world a better place.

This can be done by aligning our thoughts which are the ideas that pop up so often & putting them into action with good intentions. In conclusion our equation looks a little someting like this: Divine ideas (wisdom/light/conscious mind) + Divine energy (emotions/life/subconscious mind) + a dash of Good intentions (Love) = a Successful New Year!

By taking these steps you'll sure find all that you’ve desired whether for you or others will come into completion for the glory of God.

Until then, make it a productive One,
